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Josephine's POV

Instead of chemotherapy in the morning, I'm going after work today.

We're having training for the new workers, and Ethan put Grayson and I in charge of the photography section.

"You nervous" Grayson looks over at me.

"Uhh, kinda. If I'm being honest" I tap my fingers on the dashboard.

"Theres no need for that. You're an amazing photographer and teacher" he smiles.

"You're just being nice. I'll try not to be as nervous" I continue tapping my fingers.


There's a swarm of people in the building. I feel my heart thumping.

"Attention, please find your mentors and get started with training please" Ethan shouts through a megaphone.

"Let's get our people" Grayson props his arm out so I can link our arms.

Our group of new workers are finding us, and there's not that many people.

"We'll start off with a tour of the building and then we'll show you your work stations" Grayson informs them.

We have 17 floors to go through with these new comers, and I don't know if I can keep up.

Grayson insists we use the stairs since there's only 6 of us.

Halfway through the tour I start to feel light headed.

"Gray, I need a break. I'm not feeling good" I sit down on the floor.

"Hey, you need anything? Water?" Grayson sits down next to me.

"I need to lay down" I huff.

"Here" he gently grabs me and lays my head on his lap.

I rest my eyes and feel him staring at me.

"Hey Lexi, can you take over for us" Grayson asks.

"Of course, feel better soon Josephine" Lexi leads the group away.


"I think I'm feeling better" I turn over so now I'm looking up at Grayson.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to faint or anything" he caresses my face.

"I'll be fine. Let's go see if the group found their work stations already" I struggle to get off the ground.

Grayson is still on the ground, so I reach my hands out for him to take and pull him up.

We take the elevator to the photography level because I'm done with these stairs.

"Hey guys" I wave at our group.

"Thank you Lexi for taking over for a while" Grayson adds.

"Absolutely, they have their own stations already" she says as she leaves for her own work station.

"Alright, orientation is over for you guys. You can go home now and start work tomorrow morning. It was nice meeting you all" Grayson shakes their hands.


"Ready to leave" Grayson enters my work area.

"Yeah, let's go" I grab my purse.

We arrive at the hospital, and I already want to leave. I hate this place.

Dr. Brinde greets me and tells me he has some information from my blood work I got done.

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