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Josephine's POV

I wake up and get ready for my first day as one of Vogue's photographer.

I head to a small café across Vogue's building for breakfast. I order a blueberry muffin and a small coffee with sugar and cream.

As I was eating my muffin, I look across the street and study the people walking in and out of Vogue's building. They were mostly delivery people, until I spot someone familiar.

I swear I saw the guy that I ran into yesterday. How could I forget that face and body. I shove the rest of my muffin in my mouth and rush to work.

I punch in my time card indicating my work hours. I roam around the building searching for the photography room.

After walking for what feels like hours, I finally find the photography room. The whole 9th floor. Lights, cameras, and people were everywhere.

"Hi, I'm Lexi! You must be one of the new photographers" she holds out her hand for me to shake.

"Hi, yes I'm one of the new photographers. I'm Josephine" I shake her hand.

"I'll show you your work station" she leads me to my own set of camera and lights.

"Here, you're all set. The other new photographer will be here soon. His work station will be right next to yours, so you won't feel too much of a newbie." She informs me.

"Thank you Lexi" I smile.

"I'll be over there if you need anything" she points across the room.

I begin adjusting my camera waiting for my 10 a.m. model. It's currently 9:30 a.m. so I guess I'll just sit in my chair and wait until it's time.

*Ring Ring*

Oh my gosh, why must she always call me.

" Hello"

"Hey honey"

"Yes, what is it"

"Don't speak to me like that, I am still your mother"


"Yes mother"

"Just calling to see how your first day is going"

"Mom, I just got here"

"So I take that as a yes. Anyways, you find anyone special yet? Are you pregnant?"

"For the love of God, no I have not found someone special and no I am not pregnant"

"You know, your eggs won't always be this fertile. Your chances of getting pregnant drops every year honey"

"I'm hanging up now"

"Don't you dar-"

Ends call

This woman drives me crazy, I swear!

"Tell me about it" a deep voice calls next to me.

Did I say that out loud?

I turn to the station next to me and oh my gosh, it's the guy I ran into yesterday.

"Your mother drives you crazy too?!" I ask in hopes to have someone to talk to about annoying mothers.

"Yeah, I heard your whole conversation. Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop." He continues to adjust his lighting.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Josephine" I stick out my hand for him to shake.

"Grayson" he shakes my hand.

Author's Note:
Spring break blows. I wish I was at the beach right now.


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