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Josephine's POV

I wake up and hear baby Josephine laughing. I guess someone's playing with her.

I kiss Grayson on the forehead since he's still sleeping and get up to brush my teeth.

I make my way to the living room and see Ethan, Charlie, and baby Josephine on the couch together.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Charlie giggles.

"Hey there" I kiss Charlie on the cheek.

"Sierra's still sleeping. Josephine's kept her up all night lastnight" Ethan continues to play with Josephine.

"That's fine. Did you boys eat already?" I lay down on the couch.

"Not yet" Ethan looks my way.

"I'll go make breakfast" I stand up and make my way to the kitchen.

I've never cooked in this house before, so I'm just going to look in all the cabinets.


I cook a basic breakfast for us. I made eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes.

"Smells good in here" Ethan walks into the dinning room with Josephine and Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, how about you go wake up Sierra, and I go wake up Grayson" I take Charlie's hand.

We walk upstairs and Charlie walks into Sierra and Ethan's room while I go into the guest room.

Grayson is sleeping peacefully.

"Hey babe, I made breakfast" I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Grayyyy" I whisper while shaking him lightly.

"Okayyyy, I'm awake" he mumbles.

I grab his hand and pull him out of bed.

We start walking to the stairs when we pass Sierra and Ethan's room. The door is wide open, and we see Charlie jumping on the bed.

"Charlie stop jumping" Sierra whines.

"Ahahha, okay. I think she's up now buddy" Grayson takes Charlie off of the bed.

I drag Sierra out of bed and carry her to the dinning room.


"I'm so tired" Sierra takes a bite of her bacon.

"You can go to bed after you're done eating. I'll watch Josephine babe" Ethan rubs Sierra's back.

"Why do you guys all have the same name?" Charlie looks at Ethan.

"What do you mean buddy" Ethan asks

"Babe. You guys all call eachother babe. What does babe even mean?" Charlie furrows his eyebrows.

"It's another name for baby" Ethan answers.

"Ohh, so wh-" Charlie gets interrupted by the door bell.

Ethan hands the baby to Sierra and opens the door.

We can hear whispering and footsteps.

Ethan returns to the dinning room with officer Dan from last night and a woman I've never seen before. She looks scrubby and ill. Her eyes are blood shot red and not from crying.

"Hello officer Dan, is there something wrong?" I stand up from my seat.

"Good morning Mrs. Dolan. This is Molly Purt, Charlie's aunt" Officer Dan points to Molly.

"Hi Charlie" she smiles with her rotting teeth.

Charlie doesn't respond.

"You don't remember me?" She asks.

Charlie shyly shakes his head no.

"I'm afraid Charlie will be taken from your custody as if today ma'am" Officer Dan walks to where Charlie's sitting.

"What do you mean he's not going to be in our custody anymore?!" I raise my voice.

"Due to the incident that occurred lastnight, miss Purt requested that she be the legal guardian of Charlie Purt" he gets ahold of Charlie.

"How can she take him!?" I pull Charlie away from officer Dan.

"She's his aunt" he simply states.

I can feel myself about to lose it.

"So?! Charlie doesn't even know her! Screw blood! Can't you see she's a drug addict!? Her teeth are rotting. She's picking at her skin, she looks ill, and she even has track marks on her arms! She can't take care of him!" I shout with tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry, but it's already done. She's the legal guardian now" Officer Dan takes Charlie.

I immediately grab Charlie's other arm and try pulling him away from officer Dan.

"She's just going to neglect him and go pop fuckin pills! She's unstable, just look at her! Please officer Dan" I plea.

"Ma'am, please stop resisting" He pulls Charlie out of my grasp.

"She can't take care of him! She won't love him like we do" I scream with Ethan and Grayson holding me back.

"Nooo, please don't make me go with her" I hear Charlie cry.

The door gets slammed shut.

I sink down on the floor and cry like there's no tomorrow.

"Don't you worry Josephine. You'll get him back" Sierra comforts me.

Ethan is watching baby Josephine while Grayson is blankly staring off into space.

They just took him away from me, away from us.

Author's Note:
Thank you for 6k my loves 🌹

Also, for the ones who do not remember who Griffin is from the last chapter, he's in chapter 7 😊

Please give some love to my Ethan books. They would like to be read too

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But please keep reading!
I Love You❤

Until next time my loves 💋


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