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Josephine's POV

I slowly open my eyes and can feel myself tied up to a chair.

My mind starts to wake up, and I immediately remember about Charlie.

"Char-" someone covers my mouth from behind me.

"Shhh, be quite dear. You wouldn't want to wake up Charlie now, would you?" The voice speaks from behind me.

I know that voice.

"Griffin?!" I turn my head.

"Hello dear" he walks infront of me.

"Where's Grayson and Charlie" I look around the living room.

"Ohh, don't worry about them. They're fine" he gets closer to my face.

"Why are you doing this" I turn my face to the side.

"I had to see it myself. You're married?" He places his hand on my face and forces me to look at him.

"Yes. I'm married to the love of my life" I retort.

"NO! I'm the love of your life! We're meant for each other Josephine! That's why I'm going to kill, what's his name again? Oh yeah, Grayson" Griffin takes out a gun and walks to the kitchen area.

Griffin drags Grayson to the living room. Grayson's still in the chair tied up like me.

"Are you okay?" Grayson asks when he first spots me.

"I'm fine for now" I weakly smile.

"ENOUGH with the talking" Griffin places Grayson in front of me.

"Now you're going to watch me kill Grayson" Griffin smiles.

Griffin points the gun to Grayson's head.

"STOP! I love you Griffin, not Grayson" I lie to his face.

"You're lying" he barks.

"No, I love you. I do. I'll prove it to you" I plea.

"And how are you going to do that?" He questions.

"I'll kill Grayson myself" I look into Griffin's eyes.

Grayson looks at me with wide eyes. Griffin takes out a knife and cuts off the rope that's around my hands and feet.

"I'll dump his body in the woods and then we can runaway together with Charlie" Griffin smiles.

Griffin hands me the gun slowly.

"I'm sorry" I cry.

I turn around and immediately shoot Griffin. The bullet hit his head, and I know he is dead.

I just killed him.

I just killed Griffin.

Blood is all over me. My hands shake, and I cry in Grayson's arm.

"You had no choice. He was going to kill me" Grayson runs his hands up and down my back.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see Charlie. He screams at the sight of Giffin's body.

I quickly untie Grayson's leg, and we call the cops.


We give the cops our statements, and they insist we go stay somewhere else for the night while they clean up the crime scene.

"My gosh Josephine, are you okay" Sierra and Ethan arrive at the crime scene.

"Yeah, yeah. I just need to book a place for us to stay the night " I say in a daze.

"No need for that. You guys can stay with us" she offers.

"Thank you. I'm just going to find Grayson and Charlie" I walk back into our house.

I see Grayson and Charlie sitting on the couch with an officer.

"Hello, I'm officer Dan, are you Mrs. Dolan?" He asks.

"Yes, that's me" I take a seat next to Charlie.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you" he takes a breath.

"You'll be sent papers for when the trial comes. You don't have to attend, but it's just proto call to send victims the papers" he speaks.

"I'll leave you guys to pack" he shakes Grayson's hand and leaves.

"We're going to stay the night at your brother's" I tell Grayson.

"I'll go pack for us. You and Charlie can head to Ethan and Sierra's" Grayson gets up.


"Josephine, why was there a dead man on the floor" Charlie asks me while I'm tucking him in bed.

"He was going to hurt Grayson, so I had to protect us" I whisper to him.

"I'm tired now" he yawns.

"Okay. Get some rest" I kiss his forehead.

I walk back to the other guest room Ethan and Sierra provided for us. I see Grayson laying down on his side of the bed.

"Did you really think I was going to kill you?" I ask Grayson as I'm going to lay down in bed.

"Honestly, yes. Only because I know if you did, it was only to keep Charlie safe" I turns to me.

"I love you" I breathe.

"I love you too. You were so brave back there" he kisses me.

Author's Note:
Fml. I just broke a nail.


There's no way!

Thank you so much loves! 😙😙😙

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I Love You❤

Until next time my loves 💋


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