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Josephine's POV

Grayson seems more happy every since he came home lastnight. He told me what happened and that he's happy to have his brother back.

It's Valentine's day, the day of lovers, the day to remind others how lonely they are.

Grayson and I are spending the day with Ethan and Sierra before they leave for New Jersey later tonight.

I still don't like her, but I'll try to tolerate her since Grayson wants a relationship with his brother again. I'm not going to ruin that because it makes me happy to see him happy.

Grayson's POV

We're all golfing today before Ethan and Sierra have to go home, but they'll be back soon. Ethan's job here starts in two weeks, so they'll be moving in the condo next to us.

There is still some tension with Sierra and us (Josephine and Grayson ) since the little dispute at dinner.

Josephine has never gone golfing before, so I was teaching her. I would come up behind her and place my hands on top of her hands as I show her how to hit the ball. Cheesy, I know, but I couldn't help myself. It is Valentine's day after all.

I would kiss her cheek here and there causing her to blush. I love it when I make her blush.

"Knock knock" I say to Josephine.

"Who is there" she giggles.

"Ketchup" I smile.

"Ketchup who" she raises an eyebrow.

"Ketchup with me and I'll tell you" I turn around and bolt past Ethan and Sierra.

I was running when all of a sudden I hear a crash.

Josephine's POV


I just ran into a chair. A damn chair!

"Oh my gosh Josephine , are you okay!?" Grayson examines me.

" Yeah I'm fine. I don't know how I didn't see that chair" I lightly laugh at myself.

"Your lip is bleeding!" He picks me up and asks a worker for the first aid kit.

Grayson cleans my lip for me, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that".

"Gray, stop apologizing. It wasn't your fault, plus it's just a tiny cut" I reassure him.

We go back to Ethan and Sierra and decide it's time for lunch.


The boys are ordering food for us while I'm stuck saving our seats with Sierra. I guess this is the perfect time to see why she's an instigating bitch.

"So Sierra, what's up with you" I ask her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Why are you an instigating bitch. You never answered my question last time" I say.

"I'm not. Life's a competition. And Ethan is just better than Grayson, I'm just letting Grayson know that he's losing" she says nonchalant.

"Wow, I can't believe you. Life is about happiness not competition" I tell her.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.

"You need to stop making Ethan and Grayson feel like they have to compete with eachother. You're the reason they lost their brotherly bond and now they're just starting to regain it back. If you really love Ethan, you'll stop with your instigating bullshit" I say out of breath.

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