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Josephine's POV

Hmmm, I wonder if Charlie is allergic to anything.

I make us some cereal to eat and checked on Charlie.

"Good morning" Charlie is already sitting up in bed.

"I have some cereal ready for you but do you know if you're allergic to anything" I lead him to the kitchen.

"I'm not allergic to anything" he sits down in a chair.

Grayson soon trails into the kitchen, and we start eating our cereal.

"So what do you want to do today Charlie?" Grayson asks him.

"I don't know" he shrugs his shoulders.

"We can do anything you want" I tell him.

*Long pause*

"Can we go to the beach" he squeals.

"Of course! We just need to go buy you a swim trunk first" I gather everyone's bowls .


We're at target in the children's section.

"What color do you want" I hold up a red and blue swim trunk.

"Red" he grabs the red swim trunk.

We walk to the area where the beach toys were. I grab a bag full of supply to build sandcastles and put it in the cart.

Grayson pushes the cart to a cashier, and we check out.


We all get changed into our swimsuits and pick a spot close to the water.

"Do you want to build a sandcastle?" I ask Charlie.

He nods his head in agreement, and we begin to pour out the sandcastle supplies out of the bag.

We gather sand and pack them into buckets. I wanted to create a waterfall with the sandcastle, so I had to make that.

*1 hour later*

We were all working hard to build this massive sandcastle when a volleyball comes crashing through.

"Ohh no" Charlie sounds disappointed.

A guy with dark brown hair comes running towards our direction.

"I'm so sorry" the guy apologizes.

"It's fine" I throw him his balls back.

"How about we go to the ice cream stand over there" Grayson suggests.

We stand up and Grayson yells to Charlie, "race ya'".

They both bolt towards the ice cream stand, and I can't help but smile at how cute they are.

Grayson's POV

Having Charlie around makes me realize how much I want a family of my own. It'd be nice to have a mini version of me.

I order our ice cream while Josephine and Charlie sit down at a bench not too far ahead.

Josephine's POV

"Can I tell you something" Charlie looks around to make sure no one was near.

"Of course" I smile.

"Grayson looks at you like how my daddy looks at my mommy" he smiles widely.

"What kind of look" I ask.

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