// Mark and his Puppy (continued)

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(To be continued)

[it did continue I guess]

The day had passed and we had ate dinner, although Mark was now done with his recording, he wanted to have a movie night. I cuddled next to him as we were tangled in the bundle of blankets. He kissed my forehead and hugged tighter onto me. "I love you (Y/N)," Mark had wispered in my ear.

"I love you too Mark," I replied back to him.

His hands traveled the landscape of my body and dug his head into my neck and softly kissing. "I know." Chica hopped up on the couch and lied herself back down. "Do you wanna go to bed?" Mark questioned.

"Yeah," I got up and wiped my eyes. As Mark got up he held my hand and we walked up the stairs. I went to the bathroom and changed into short-shorts, and a tank top, while Mark stripped into his boxers. We led ourselves to the red sheeted bed and cuddled together. I dug my face in Marks chest as he had held onto my waiste.

"You're pretty cute, you know that?" Mark had once said.

A/n: This is short, I know. But I HAVE NO REQUESTS. So please comment your requests, and I'll make an imagine for everyone (or if you identify how you want someone to look like and the name I'll make an imagine just for you). I except anything from boy to girl,so don't worry!


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