//Prove Me Wrong

372 19 1

Stole from my Tyler Imagines

He stood there in the rain, letting his clothes get drenched. He pushed his hair back a couple of times and finally decided to just sit down. Not on a bench, not on the sidewalk, but in the middle of the road. I stood from a distance and watched him sit. My umbrella kept me dry, as if the clouds had only surrounded him. He looked peaceful, yet so drowned. I bit my lower lip. I felt as if I was being pulled. My legs slowly walked over to him and you held the bright pink umbrella over his cold body. A smile curved at the edges of my mouth. "What are you doing Mark?" He only looked up at me. I used my other hand to help him up. "Let me take you to my place to get you warmed up." I held onto his waist. His wet arm was wrapped around my neck and resting on my shoulder. His fingers traced small stitching on my coat. His steps were short, to keep up with me.

"Why'd you come?" Mark asked out of Timbuktu. "I was just trying to, ya know, vent, or something."

"Mark, come on, I'm not going to let you get pneumonia because you stood out in the cold rain."

I want Mark to be happy.

Cause I, oh yeah, I believe in love.

We reached my house and walked inside. I lead Mark to the bathroom and had him sit on the lid of the toilet seat. I brought him clothes to get into, left over from when my brother was staying with me, and got him a warm beverage in the meantime. "(Y/N)," Mark began. I hummed. "Do you believe in love?"

"I do," I smiled. "Why?"

"I don't think love is my thing," he averted his gaze. "You know, I have someone on my mind, but she, she would never love me back."

My heart sank knowing he loved someone better than me. "Mark, you just need someone to prove you wrong."

"So why doesn't someone do that?"

"I don't know," I began. I tapped my fingers on my legs. "Talk about her, let me listen."

He sighed. "She's amazing. She always has this look in her eyes, that always makes me happy when I'm around her. She sets me in my place when I've angered her, or embarrass her. She's just, amazing, like, wow," a chuckling sound escaped his lips. "She's perfect." I looked in his eyes and see how hooked he is. "But, I mean, I'm going to have to move on I guess."

• • • • • •

"Do you need anything?" I asked walking into StarBucks.

"Just get me a coffee, you don't understand how bad I have to use the bathroom," Mark shook his head.

"I'll be over there then," smiling, I walked away from him.

I'm still in love with Mark, and I'm happy because he's happy.

I ordered our beverages and stood by the door, waiting for him to come out from the bathroom. He wiped his hands on his pants. "Ugh, they didn't have any paper towel," he said with a disgusted look. I handed him napkins. "Thank you."

I just smiled. "Where do you want to go?"

"Lets go to the mall or something," he mentioned. "I know they have a Mexican Grill so."

We reached the mall and Mark and I immediately went to each and almost every store they had. "Hey look," I pointed out his merch in Hot Topic. "I must gets the merch."

He chuckled. "You already have merch," he puckered up his lips and crossed his eyes. "Plenty of it."

I giggled. "Well then we'll buy these cheesy little suckers," I grabbed rings that engraved 'friends'. "I'm kidding."

"No, let's get those," he smiled. "I'm serious," he walked up to the counter. The lady recognized him.

"Is that all Mr. and Mrs. Fischbach?" She winked.

"Y-yeah, but um, we're, n-not married," Mark stuttered.

I hope, I can show you what I mean.

"Oh, I know. You two just look really cute together."

I smiled. "We're not even in a relationship  either, but thank you."

Mark and I put the rings on and went to the food court.

• • • • •

"You're coming with us," Mark said, with a goofy little smile on his lips. "We have our very own tour bus now!"

"Do you really want me to go?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yes! Go get packed right now!" Mark exclaimed.

I went up to my room and quickly packed. Then returned. "Lets go!"

Mark gave my luggage to Tyler and Ethan and he walked back over to me, picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the bus. "Are you excited?" He asked, smiling like an idiot now.

Ethan and Tyler entered the bus and just glared at Mark. "I'm very excited!"

The bus driver began to drive, and all the boys and I played video games on the TV. I fell asleep shortly after.

"Hey (Y/N), we're here," Mark woke me up.

I got up and rubbed me eyes. "Okay."

I could hear the crowd roaring as Mark lead me out onto the stage, okay, pulled me. "We've got one last song," Mark smiled smiled into the mic. "Take a seat with me," Mark pulled the piano bench out and we both sat down. He began to play.

His fingers danced slowly on the keys, and it made me happy.

"And I, don't believe loves for me oh. So won't you, come around and prove me wrong."

I noticed what he was doing.

"This girl has been in my life for a very, very long time. I've always loved her, and I didn't realize that until one night, where I stood in the rain. Coincidentally, she saw me that night and helped me. I was too flustered to tell her who I really liked, and I'm glad I'm doing it now.

I love her so much.

(Y/N), please do the honor and be my gir-"

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes!" I wrapped my arms around him. "I've always loved you too."

Ugh, I have writers block and I planned on writing a lot over break.

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