// A "for life" bond

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"Tyler, you have to get me a smootie with fresh pineapple, and not any from the can, you know I hate that," I smiled up to the man in front of me asking what I would like from the mall food court. "Thank you."

"Okay, I'll be back. Ethan and Mark should be here in a few minutes. Just watch for Ethan and his fucked up blue hair."


I looked around the food court and then looked down at my phone. Ethan's number had popped up onto my screen and he had texted saying he was trying to find me. I texted back saying where we were.

Suddenly, a figure I had grown familar with, only on the computer, had sat next to me. "Hello, I'm Mark Fischbach," he showed me his hand.

I took it, "Hi! (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to finally meet you."

"You too. The boys have been telling me that you're pretty spectacular."

"Well I hope I am!" I giggled. Tyler came back and gave me my smoothie. "Thanks Ty."

"No problem."

"You wanna know why we brought you guys here?" Ethan smiled.


"A blind date! Kinda. We want you two to get to know each other. You two, are, like a perfect match."

"And why do you say that?" I asked.

"The love for dogs, games, and just plain being funny," Ethan murmured. "Food, and the sunny outdoors, and just visiting random places."

"I'm not funny." Tyler busted out a laugh. "What?"

"Nothin'!" Tyler gulped.

Mark chuckled. "Who is she to you guys?"

"We didn't know her till about five years ago. She was at work and was discussing her favorite Youtubers to a customer who asked. So we went up to her and asked her if she wanted to hang out some time, and yeah, she was skeptic. Ever since then, she's been like a little sister to us."

"Beautiful story there, Ethan."

"Right?! 'You will now be pronounced Husband and wife'!"

Mark and I bowed our heads and laughed. "Children, stop."

"But mommy!"

"But daddy!"

"Imma go kill myself from being called mommy by an older man."

"You'll be together for life, and you'll enjoy it," Ethan chuckled.

Three years later

I sat down at the kitchen table and took a sip of the coffee I had made fresh beforehand. My phone buzzed as someone was trying to call me. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, how's it goin'?" A low, sweet, man voice clogged up my ears.

"I'm good. Are you coming over today too?"

"Yupperdoodles. I couldn't pass up a day to see you."

"Awe. You're so sweet."

"Hey (Y/N)?"


"Would you like to, go on a real date sometime?" Mark asked nervously.

The light in my eyes glowed. "Yeah, of course!"

"We'll go after I get to your house and record a couple of videos."

"Sounds good to me."

Mark arrived with some flowers and walked inside. "Resident Evil 7, right?"

"Yessir!" I giggled.

My phone buzzed once again and a message popped up. Hello, wanna hang out?-(random guy name)

I didn't answer due to plans, and left it at that.

I mean, I already have my bond.

I seriously gave up and would understand if this is confusing. I'm tired.

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