// Teacher!Mark x Café!Reader

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This is be a bit smutty. So much fluff will be added (NOT A LEMON, I CAN'T LEMON)

I was a first shift worker at (Favorite Café: Big B, Starbucks), which opened at five in the morning. Every morning, I would give the same coffee to the same man. He was tall, well, he was taller than me, sweet, and his brown eyes, hidden behind his glasses, just held desire in them. "Your boyfriend's here," Cassy, my manager, or best friend, smiled to me.

"H-he's not my boyfriend!" I hid my red face.

"Well he knows you like one!" She giggled as she filled up the whipped cream machine. "He gives you a muffin every, single, morning."

"Shut up!"

"Fine Ms. Prissy."

I muttered at her statement and looked at the door whom showed the man walking in. Mark Fischbach. "Hey lovely, got you your favorite this time, (Favorite Muffin: chocolate chip, double chocolate)," he set the bag on the counter. "Gotta question for you too."

"Tell me after I get your coffee Mark," I smiled.

This man listens to every word I say, even when I need to actually vent about life. "Okay, I'll let you do that," he sat on a bench.

"Here you go, a regular coffee with two sugars and a bit of caramel cream, and whipped cream and," I paused taking the stem off, "a cherry. Eat it quick, because it will probably sink," I giggled. "Now, you can ask your question to me."

"I was wondering, since it's friday, if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight. This is only if you have tomorrow off, cuz we might be there for a while!" His cheeks became pink and he darted his eyes in different directions.

I giggled. "That would be nice! I don't ever get to go to dinner on friday nights."

"Where do you want me to pick you up at?"

"Well after you get done with teaching tech at the high school, why don't you just come here and pick me up. You do get out at three, right?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, I do. I'll pick you up then..wait, don't you want to get ready?"

"I wanna show you where I live, so then, you can pick me up there at-"


"At seven!"

"That will be great," he warmly smiled at me.


"Well, I have to go now. The kids will be wondering where I am, and they won't have time to eat breakfast," he chuckled waving. "Bye!"


"I told you he was your boyfriend, or at least wants to be."

"Cassie, shut up," I laughed at her. "Here comes yours."

"Well at least he's my real boyfriend. Hey Daniel, what's up?" She walked over.


At three o' clock, Mark had gotten out of work, or so I thought anyways. A little over fifteen minutes, he had picked me up. "I don't live too far, I walk to work anyways."

"Okay," he smiled.

"Just a few more blocks up, I'm on the right," I directioned. "Then that blue house on the left."

"You live in a very pretty neighborhood," he looked around. "I'll see you at seven young lady."

"I'm your age, dumby," I stuck my tongue out getting out of the car.

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