Very Short //Whispering & Kisses

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Have I done this before? I don't know.

"Marki, wake up," I pushed Marks shoulder to wake him up.

"I'm already awake," he chuckled, turning his body to me. "And I've got a present," his lips landed on my cheeks. They lightly kissed my face until I was caught smiling. "Do you like it?"

"I will always love it," I said, kissing the tip of his nose. "Always."

"You're the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on, and will ever love, for that matter," Marks arms wrapped around me and he put his cold hands against my bare back. "And I love it when you laugh like that, because then I can see that pretty smile of yours," Mark chuckled. "Or, when I nibble on your neck, and your get all squirmy and laugh as well because it tickles," his mouth traveled to my neck where he began to kiss and nibble.

"You're a tease," I laughed. "You're a tease, and I love it," I kissed his lips lightly.

"I tease?" He questioned. "Oh baby, no, no, no." His hands traveled down my body down to my hips, where he could push me up to his perspective. "You tease me."

"Do I?" I put my hands in his hair. His eyes closed and his smiled became bigger.

"That feels nice," he kissed me again.

(It's kinda hard to write this right now tbh)

"I love you," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Mark grabbed me and he sat up. I was now sitting on his lap, half covered by the blankets still. His fingers traveled to my bra strap, moving it back up on my shoulder. His hand guided itself back to my waist, where he pulled me into another kiss.

"I love you too."

Henlo frens, author-chan is here to ask for requests! Even if it's just a simple word, I'll try to make something out of it.

Ex. Chicken

Sorry if I sound really depressed over the next few uploads. I've recently learned a friend like me; however, I don't. I feel really bad, but... It is what it is. I feel, if I want to be with someone, I need to have the same feelings (I'm a hypocrite too, I know that) in order to do so, and I'm just, I don't like him like that.

I'm just, still stuck on someone else.


Enjoy the rest of your day/night cupcakes!!

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