//stay the night

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Post Malone - Stay

Please don't make the comment Mark can't drink, I KNOW HE CAN'T.

His tongue slipped through my lips one last time; my hands grabbed at his hair as he pushed me against the wall harder. I reached for air as his lips fled to my neck. "Mark," I brought my hands up to his shoulders as he continued to kiss my neck rougher. "Mark, you're drunk, please," I pushed him away. The taste of alcohol still lingered within my mouth as I told him I needed to leave. "I love you, goodnight," I kissed his cheek.

He was breathing heavily, and wiped his mouth, "I love you too, call me in the morning."

"As always," I smiled, closing the bedroom door behind me. I grabbed my keys and fled to my car, where I looked into the small mirrors. "Damn, I have work tomorrow Mark," I sighed, looking at the purple marks left on my exposed neck and collarbone.

"Pour another one please," Mark snickered to Tyler, one of his friends who held the party.

"Sure shit dude," Tyler chuckled, giving him a shot of tequila.

Ethan and I sat basically on the sidelines. being the sober so called pussies. "Have fun riding with him home," Ethan cackled.

"He'll be fine, it's just the amount he's taking in, it's worrying me."

"Why's that?"

"He never drinks that much when I'm around."

"Has anything happened lately?"

"I've been with him less lately, because of my job. The only thing I could think of is that."

"Maybe you should ask him? Not right now, but when he's sober."

"Drunk people are more honest when they're drunk," I snickered. "Oof."

"This girl," Mark glared Ethan in the eyes, "is mine, and only mine."

"Don't worry man, I was just talking to her about a new game."

"Oh, okay."

"We should really get going Mark," I grabbed his hand. "You'll be better at home."

I dragged Mark out to the car, where he smiled and kept holding my hand down the road. "I may be a little drunk, but I know who I love."

I smiled. "I would sure hope so."

The ringer went off for a few before someone answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, good morning; how do you feel?"

"Babe, I feel like shit. Like someone dropped a brick on my head."

"Hm. Do you want me to stop over? I can stop by for a few before I go to work."

"You don't have to, I'm sure I'll find some type of therapy on my own."

"I need a few more hours of sleep before I head to work at three," I looked at the clock which read 8:00am. "I only had four hours of sleep last night, and you need some ibprophen or something. Maybe even warm tea."

Mark snickered. "Fine, you can come over."

"I was coming over anyways."

"I'll see you then."

"See you."

I headed over to Marks with my work clothes, and such. I opened the door to a happy dog bouncing around. "I just let her out, so you should be fine sleeping."

I walked up the stairs where Marks bedroom was. I set my clothes on a chair and crawled into the bed which smelled of Marks cologne. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. I needed you to come over for a good sleep."

"You were drinking a lot last night."

"I know. I wanted you to stay, that was all; and all I could do was to drink, to get thay thought out."

"Mark, if you really want me to spend the night, just tell me," I rested my head on his chest. "Here, the miracle meds are in my bag."


"Yes Mark?"

"I love you a whole lot."

"I love you too, a whole lot more."

"And I'm sorry if I did anyth-"

"You didn't do anything wrong, I in fact wanted it, but you were tispy, and hardly remember, so I said I was leaving. It's all okay," I rubbed my thumb back and fourth as I closed my eyes.

"Could you stay the night?"

"I can, yes."


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