// Letters

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Inspired by a book for free! imagines.
Except, no one dies.
Prepare for fluff too, so much fluff (I'm swimming in it).

He was a 27 year old man whom got out of college to play video games, or basically, follow his dream. He had fallen for a pretty girl with (h/l), (h/c) hair and gleaming (e/c) eyes that he adored so much, but there was a catch.

He couldn't grab her physical attention.

Not like the men whom worked and served as customers at her job at a maid-like café (lotta café stuff, sorry not sorry). They would tell her sweet things, but she'd push them away and tell them it wasn't the time.

He wasn't a stalker, in fact, he was a customer, except he didn't hit on her the first time he saw her.

But how could Mark finally grab (Y/N)'s attention from the people whom didn't acknowledge her from the other side of the counter?

He wrote with a black pen on the blue lined, bleached white, paper. The edges were almost dog eared by the age and how they were set. He held a light pink envelope and folded the note carefully inside, and licked the edges of the envelopes paper to seal his words inside.

He walked into the café before her shift had even began; at the small charm of the bell, he sat down knowing she would check her little cubby hole a few people put things inside. She took a seat and opened the letter carefully as he silently watched as he sipped at his coffee.

Dear (Y/N),

      Before I start, I want to say that I don't stalk you, I admire you

A small giggle enveloped from her soft looking lips

I come here everyday just to see that cute face of yours in which smiles and greets everyone you serve, especially when it's me. Every time I record for my YouTube channel, I always give a small quote you had said those days you gave me the regular coffee I order, such as, 'success comes with a price' or 'love is always in the air' and even that one you told me the first time I ever came to get a coffee, 'the running of small children outside, should always brighten someones day, because we were just like that when we were kids. And I do that on the weekends in my house as I watch Netflix from my kitchen because I'm watching my cousin (name)'. The things you say to me, lighten my day to a maximum, and I love that

She covered her smiling mouth slowly, interested.

And since this is my first letter, this is a goodbye till tomorrow morning.

Love, the one who remembers your words.

She stood up and put the note into her purse. "I just got this really cute letter from someone.." had escaped her lips.

Mark had risen from his seat and walked to the counter again. "Hey," he waved.

"Regular?" She smiled. As she was preparing his coffee she had announced a few words, "always keep loving," and he knew, she would say that to a few others that would enter for their own coffee. But that day, she didn't.


He took a deep breath and put the purple colored letter into the cubby she had used. She walked in with a smile and opened it up to find her gift. "I'm ready," she muttered happily to herself.

Dear (Y/N),

      "Always keep loving" are the three words you had said to me, and the way you remembered my coffee, that's amazing, as usual, you never seem to let me down! Yesterday, my friend had told me about this funny video, which I only want you to open when you're sad, the title is in the 'P.S' line, so don't worry!

She giggled

If you were to see my face, you'd see all of the love I've held you for, like one picture says a thousand words. But I can clearly explain things better in description. The smile that you wear motivates me to keep moving and your eyes tell me desire. This is all for now Ms. (L/N).

Love, the one who always wear plaid. Aren't there a lot of people though? Oh well.


She stood up like the day before and so on for the rest of the days, smiling after smiles, smiling after tears, smiling after anger, smiling for one person whom admired her.

Open when your sad

Open when your mad

Open when you're giggly inside

Open when you're happy

Open when you feel love

Open when you think you're down

She walked into the cafe. She didn't have to work and it was only the start of spring break. she held her jacket close and blew hot air to her fingertips. And for the last time, she said, "I'm ready." She took the sky blue envelope and dragged her fingers across the soft paper, flipping it and looking at it's closing. She began to slowly rip the glued seams and took the colorful paper out, a different surprise. It was a red color that faded into a fired-like yellow.

Dear (Y/N),

      I sit across from you when you're reading. You're ready.

Love, Mark

He wasn't in the chair he always sits in while he watches her read his letters to herself every morning, he was only getting his coffee from the counter he always stops at. "You did all of this, for me?" He nodded as he set the coffee down. "Why?"

"Because you're really pretty and I couldn't help myself. I was too flabbergasted at myself to even say these words to the real you," Mark motioned his hands towards her.

"No one has ever made me feel better as much as you have, with the 'read when sad' and whatever. I'm filled with pure happiness that it was you this whole time."

Mark looked at her with a smile. "Do I really?"

"I've..actually liked you this whole entire time."


"Everyday, I would walk in and you would just walk up and say something really nice. 'You're hair looks lovely today' or 'You look quite pretty today'."

"Oh, wow."

"What!" She looked into his eyes.

"Can I just say something real quick?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I love you."

I was really passionate about this one at first then just gave up on it.

Requests? Just comment!


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