//morning bird

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BTS // Jungkookー

It was still a little dark in our room when I could hear rummaging in the closet across the room. I covered my ears from the loud noises that were caused at 9am. The man walked out of the room, allowing me to fall asleep once again. "(Y/N)!" Mark belted. "Where's my super suit?!"

"Let me sleep!" I covered my ears again, but giggling at his little reference.

Something was set on the bed, causing me to lift the sheets. "Good morning babygirl," he snickered, opening the curtains over the window. "Rise and shine!"

I covered my eyes. "Shut them please," I whined. "I needs sleep."

"I'm surprised, you went to bed at nine last night, how are you still sleepy?" Mark let me sit up as he set the plate of breakfast on my lap.

"Just the way I am," I giggled, taking a piece of bacon. "Thank you."

"Do you know why I'm up so early?"

"Why's that?"

"Ethan, Tyler and I have a convention today, and so we thought we should dress nicely for those visiting," he smiled.

"You have to get up early for that?" I raised a brow.

Mark chuckled. "Yes."


"I'm taking you to Margos later tonight."

I smiled. "I'd honestly would love to go to Margos."

"That's fine by me too."

I sat and ate my breakfast Mark had made. "What made you want to make breakfast for me?"

"I don't do it often, so I thought I would."

I smiled at my plate. "You're so sweet."

"You're mine, so."

"All yours, and all mine."

"All yours."

I yawned and stretched. "Any chance I could go with you?"

"All you'd be doing is sitting there and or taking pictures with us," he tilted his head.

"Yeah, I'll stay home and clean or something, I'm not getting dressed up."

Mark laughed. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I'll take your plate," Mark stood up.

"No, I'll get it, I have to get up anyways."

"Babe, Ethans downstairs and you only have a shirt on."

"Oh, so can I put pants on then?" I walked over to the closet and grabbed sweatpants and threw them on. "Now?"

Mark grabbed a sweatshirt gave it too me. "Then you can."

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I found Ethan asleep on the counter. "Hey bub," I poked Ethans shoulder. "Bub," I ran my fingers through his hair, and he began to wake up.

"Hey dud," he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning," I smiled. "Do you want some orange juice or something? Mifht want to stand up too if you want to stay awake."

"Please," he chuckled. "Sorry, I stayed up till four editing videos."

"Oh? Maybe you need to have a time limit huh."

"A bit."

I handed him the orange juice. "Do you want me to fix your tie?"

"Is it messed up?"

"Well, the top is shorter than the bottom, like way shorter."

Mark sat at the island table. "Hey babe..Ethan, did you have some trouble this morning?"

"A bit."

I looked over at Mark. "You could say the same for yourself."


The front door opened up to a nicely dressed Tyler. "Hey Ty," I smiled walking over to fix Marks tie.

"Hey sis," he walked over to the kitchen. "Do you have any coffee made?"

"No, but you can make some if you'd like."

"Thank you. Say, you guys have any trouble this morning?" Tyler cackled.

"The both of them in fact. I thought they would know how to tie a tie."

"Sh," Mark put a finger against my lips.

"I've been doing it forever," Tyler laughed. "Dad always made me do it for the band concerts and such."

"Our school had a ton of those, I swear we were at one every two days."

"I would have loved to see you in high school," Mark chuckled.

"No, my high school days were pretty bad."

"They couldn't have been that bad."

"I looked like I was in the 80s the whole time I was in high school, until senior year, where I kinda normalized."

"Mom gave her a ton of clothes to wear to school, and she couldn't wear anything else. Every friday I would bring her an outfit she felt looked good. I honestly felt bad for her."

"I would too," I laughed. "Mom regretted giving me those clothes after high school was over, because I actually started matching them to other things myself and wearing them."

"Why?" Mark asked.

"She wanted them back."

"Oh lord," Ethan rolled his eyes.

"You guys go enjoy yourselves," I smiled and kissed Mark. "And Ty."

"Yes sis?"

"Don't let Mark get into trouble."

"Oh I won't."

Mark glared at Tyler. "Now I can't buy that cake, thanks dude."

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