// A perfect picture

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A/N: I signed up for the Talent Show at school and only one other person knows, which she'll probably tell others since she's a gossiper. I don't even know the song I'm going to do, I never thought about it! X(

Here's something I've done before

"Allow me to demonstrate how the human being takes a picture."

Looking at others pictures, people would hug and kiss their loved ones. They did this because of a class contest; however, I didn't have anyone that I could hug and kiss on.

"Hey, can I ask you of a favor?" A young man walked up to me. "I have a project for my photograghy class and I can't really do it without a..girl."

"The kissy kissy, hug hug project?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I'm in the class too."

"Would you like to be my partner for it?"

"Um, let me get to know you first, I mean, we have two weeks left."

"No, that's fine, we can definitely do that."

"Both you and your best friend can fall in love."

"Mark Edward!" I twisted the camera lense to focus on the pinic blanket.


I giggled. "It's cliché, isn't it?"

"Cliché can be good sometimes (Y/N)," he chuckled. "Do you have the clicker?"

"Yep!" I smiled. We walked over and sat onto the blanket together.

"I may touch you in a way you don't like, so just tell me if I violate too much."

"I will."

Mark grabbed the clicker, and let out a big huff. "You ready?"


His lips were centimeters from mine when he whispered, "it'll be okay." His lips were pressed against mine.

"Suddenly, I couldn't stop."

My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands touched and felt around my body. "Why do I enjoy this?" I pulled back for a split second when he crashed his lips back onto mine. His tongue began to explore and parted my lips for entrance.

"Get a room!" A man started laughing.

"Ethan!" Mark and I pulled back.

"What babes, I didn't do anything but save your embarrassment!"

My cheeks burned. "Oh."

"I didn't know you two were a couple?"

"We-we're not," Mark looked away.

"Friends with benefits?"

"Definitely not," I mumbled.

"What it is for then?"

"A photography project," Mark scratched the back of his neck.

"I forgot they were doing that. You can get it on again, somewhere else," Ethan waved.

Mark and I stood up and blushed. "I'm sorry," Mark said.

"No, it's fine."

We picked up our things and started walking back to my apartment. I set my things down if the closet. "So, uh, did you like it?"

"Well, um...yeah."

It was an awkward moment.

"It's just, over the past week, I've grown to actually like you and all."

"It was a love at first site thing, huh?"


I giggled. "That's fine by me."

Mark smiled and grabbed my hand.

"We may have known each other for a couple of weeks, but be my girlfriend."


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