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song: Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up

A/N: I have nothing against Amy and I love her okay.

Mr. Mark Fischbach, CEO of Justo Inc., a terrible man who got on your every last nerve unless it was the old lady who worked at the front desk on the first floor. "Go fetch me the papers," Mark shooed me off.

"Go fetch yourself some manners," I mumbled under my breath. I sipped the coffee he politely made for everyone, although it was bitter.

"Heya Ms. (L/N)," Amy walked over to me with a beaming smile. "Here's those papers that were mysteriously taken from Mr. Fischbachs office."

I smiled back at her. "Thank you."

I thought it was awfully weird she had them, normally Mark has his papers and they're usually never taken from someone else besides me, when I move them to a filing cabinet.

"Mr. Fischbach?" I knocked on the doorway before entering. "Amy gave me the papers."

He walked up to me contently and swiftly grabbed the papers from my grip. "She told me she had them, she said you left a note about me, but that's such an Amy thing to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Amy always leaves notes, I've studied her handwriting and yours too," he pulled out the note. I found that awkwardly creepy, but went along with him.

"What do you want me to do now, grab you a coffee, clean your desk or my office, fetch more docume-"



Mark nodded his head, reading the note. His eyebrows furrowed. "Definitely Amy's writing."


"Get her to my office."

"Yes sir."


"Hm?" I turned to him.

"Could you stay a little later? If you don't mind, I'd like to take you to dinner, for being a good assistant that is."

Mark Fischbach being nice to me? This is so weird. "Um, yeah, thank you."

I walked out of his office, shutting the door behind me.

Four rows, third desk. Four rows, third desk. "(Y/N)," Amy smiled mischievously, "why are you here? Did Mark get your letter?"

"He got your letter alright, he needs you in his office for something important," I motioned her to come follow me.

Walking back to Marks office, many began to snicker in my direction. "Oh I bet he's gonna fire you," Amy smacked her red lips. "Right in front of me, the love of his life."

"You two aren't dating." I got a lot of 'oh's from the surrounding co-workers. "He's just being nice to you, because you speak down on him."

"That's not true, I don't speak down on him."

"Remember the one time he simply told you to quit talking during a meeting? You walked out crying, saying that you wanted to sabotage his life getting him fired and to lose all of his money."

"I, uh, I didn't do that."

"You paused." I knocked on the door of Marks office. I opened the door to Mark sitting in his chair, looking directly at Amy with a scowl on his face.


"Yes sir."

"This letter is not from my Assistant, she doesn't have time to write these notes when she's working for me and doing deeds. You, on the other hand, sit at a desk, and can do this. And finally, this isn't (Y/N)'s handwriting, I've been around her too long to not know it well."


"I'm moving you down a level, which means-"

"You can't do th-"

"Which means! You will not be able to come to these offices and do your dirty work. Therefore, pack your stuff and leave," Mark stood up, and came up to me. "Before I fire you." She stood up, and raised her hand at me. "Leave her alone, she's done nothing to you."

"Why do you care about her so much?"

"She's a hard worker, and she's so much more. Much more than a smack across the face."

Mark tipped the coffee in her hands up, making it spill all over her. "You're such an asshole, you know that?" Amy yelled. "You're only ever nice to this, this bitch!"

"Hold on a minute. Who gave you permission to call her that?" Mark was defending me. Not too long ago I said he got on my nerves. "I'm rude to her and I've never said anything so profound to her like that!"

"What's going on in here?" The companies owner came walking in the door. "I can hear all the commotion from my office."

"Amy needs to be fired," Mark straightened his suit out.

"She been rude to Mr. Fischbach and his assistant since she realized she couldn't get with him," a co-worker walked up. "I hate to intrude, but that's the truth. She's always in the work room telling us how she's going to get (Y/N) fired, become his assistant and seduce him and stuff.

So Amy gets on my nerves.

"Amy doesn't seduce me. If I could pick to like any of my assistants that I've had, it would be (Y/N)."

Mark covered his mouth.

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