//kitchen dancing

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Edith Piaf - La vie en Rose


They all came crashing down as soon as Sam, my co-worker, bumped my desk on purpose. "Oops, sorry," she snickered, walking away.

"Shit," I said under my breath. I got down on the ground and picked up the papers I had before organized and put in order. There were detective's papers that needed sorting again, who got who's case, who was going to work on another case, and so on, even lists of people who were being let go off of cases for a while.

"Hey," Leo walked up to me. "You need some help?" He bent down to my level and grabbed the papers from me. "If you have anything planned tonight, just leave, I'll organize this all," he smiled.

"I just wanted to home on time for once, but Sam doesn't ever get that," I said, looking down at all the papers in my hands, that I handed off to Leo. "Mark only ever gets to see me when we go to bed and when I get up in the morning," I went to take a breath.

"Just go home, I'll stay and redo this, I've got an hour left anyways."

"But your kids," I sighed, but Leo stopped me from saying another word.

"They're with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend," he shot a smile at me. "My wife, on the other hand, she can wait a few more minutes, she's understanding. We would both understand your problem."

"Thank you Leo."

"Of course (Y/N)."

I got up and smoothed my skirt down. "I'll see you tomorrow." I grabbed my keys off of my desk and headed out; it was colder than usual in LA at this time of night, my car was cooler inside as well. My phone buzzed a couple of times before I got home. I grabbed my things and walked up to the front door.

The door opened.

"There you are," Mark grabbed me and hugged me tightly against him.

As he lifted me in the air, I could see over his shoulder. There were flower petals and candles lit everywhere. "You're so cliche," I smiled, hugging him even tighter back.

"Who would I be if I wasn't?"

I giggled as Chica came running into the room. "What's it for?"

"Well, nothing important," he sighed. "I honestly thought it would be romantic, so I did it," he grabbed onto my hand led me into the kitchen where he had made Belgian waffles and maple bacon. Music softly played in the background.

"I can't believe you," I smiled, hugging him again. "Let me go get changed into something better." Mark waited for me to come back in a pink tank top and grey sweatpants. "How do I look?"

"Very nice," Mark chuckled. He grabbed my hand and placed his hands on my waist. I planted my hands around his neck as we slowly danced taking small steps every few seconds. "I love you," he kissed my forehead.

I got closer to his figure. "I love you too."


"I'm gonna have to get better hours where I can spend more time with you," I sighed. "I hate leaving you here all day by yourself."

"I know, but we both make good money, and if you switch, won't you lose money?"

"Not nessassarily, if Leo and I get out of this department for a report, we could actually get more money for maybe a few hours less."

"A report?"

"Sam's a little, you know," I said. "And I don't want to kick her myself, so."

"Ah," he chuckled. "You're a weirdo."

"I know."

"How about next time, we get some dinner?"

"That sounds good to me," I smiled, getting on my tippy toes to peck his lips.

This was baaaad

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