//found love

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(Continuing these imagines so im moving everything from markitwo to this one :) )

My themes will try to match songs (try).
Post Malone (my dude) - I fall apart

Sensory lights kicked on as soon as I reached the porch of (Y/N)'s house. I was drenched in water from head to toe. I hesistated to knock, and just stoof there in my tracks, feeling like a wall was in the way of me. I've been waiting for this moment for years; I've been waiting for this exact moment from the very first day she started going out with the boy her broke her heart so easily within the span of two years. Even with a deep breath, I still couldn't move my arms, nor would my shaky legs move any closer to the door of her home.

Suddenly, I could hear the door unlock. "Mark," she had a smile of relief as she grabbed me by the jacket and pulled me into her humble home. "I thought it was someone else, and I'm very glad it was you." She took my jacket and gave me a warm blanket she just had washed. "Luckily, this just came out of the dryer." Her smile was full of love, and I knew then and there, this should be my chance. However, keyword, should. I know I could never do it.

"Thank you," I chuckled. "I was going to visit you earlier, but I, I couldn't."

"You stood out there for quite a bit, but I didn't know you were out there or I would have opened it sooner." She sat next to me, putting an arm around my back. I opened the blanket, and pulled her in, since my shirt was partially dry. I want to say so many things, but I can't. "I don't think I ever truely loved him as much as I thought I did," (Y/N) sighed. "It didn't take me long to get over the whole break up thing, but he was coming here for a while, trying to get all the things he didn't really buy for me."

"Who bought those things then?" I asked.

"His mother, who is absolutely upset with him right now. Fortunately, she still loves me even if I'm not with her son," she paused. "She told me he is exactly like his father; walked out for other women unless no other woman was in the picture for a small bit. She told me she has no sorrow for him."


"I know."

She snuggled closer to me as the night went on. Her hair was still as soft as ever, and her skin still gave me goosebumps as if gently grazed mine. "(Y/N)? Have you ever thought about another relationship?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid this guy doesn't love me as much as I love him. He's so sweet, but whenever I ever try speaking with him about it, I can't get it out. Which, was before my relationship with this last guy. What about you? Anyone on your mind?"

"She's always been on my mind," I smiled. "And I've always loved her."

She smiled. "She must be so lucky to have you as a friend, just like me. I love having you as my best friend, whether of not we haven't talked very much lately."

I've loved her for so long.

"I'm lucky to have her as a friend too."

"What about me?" She pouted.

"I said 'her' didn't I?"

Her face became a crimson red as she dug her face into mt chest, wrapping her arms tighter around me. "You let me go through that as you sat back and let your heart break."

I did let my heart break, didn't I?

"I have my best friend back, and that's all that matters."

I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine as fingers had cupped over my ears, and palms my jaw. My hands found their way to her back, as she continued to kiss me with ectacy filled lust.

it's been a while since I've written anything, so bear with me.

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