pt. 1//the secret

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Requested Story :)...

Taylor Swift (I miss her as a country singer) and Ed Sheeran - Everything has Changed

"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed, handing my baby off to a nurse that would go and wash her before I held her.

I was only sixteen.

My mom sat me down at the table. "I'm not exactly proud of you getting pregnant, but I'm proud you want to keep her and take care of her," she started. "I want you to do online schooling, so I can see you graduate, okay?"

"That's fine to me mom, I want to make you happy as well, I know," I smiled.

The father left me with a baby to take care of; thankfully, I had my mother and older sister to aid me.

"No problem, we'll have a nice, cool, play date type of weekend, won't we?" My sister took my daughter, (Daughters/Name)'s hand.

"Thank you so much," I gave her a hug. "Baby, I'll see you Sunday night okay?"

"Okay mommy," (D/N) smiled.

I walked back to my car and waved.

I was going on a date.

I was scared to date anyone after my daughter was born, and for the first time in a while, I thought I would give it a try.

And keep her a secret for a little while.

I walked into the little restaurant, Margos. "Hey," Mark smiled to me waving.

"Hey," I smiled back, taking a seat across from him.

And we hit it off.

"Hey babe," Mark called me. "Can I come over?" He asked.

I looked back at my daughter watching TV in the living room of my apartment. "Yeah, I gotta surprise for you."

"Me too," I heard him chuckle.

"Mommy, was that your boyfriend?" (D/N) asked.

"Yes baby," I squished her cheeks. "And you get to meet him today."

"I do?" her eyes lit up.

"Yes," I smiled, as she hugged me.

I heard a knock at the door about a half hour later. "Hello," Mark chuckled, giving me a bouquet of flowers. I looked back at the cartoons my daughter was watching. "You have a niece over? That's sweet, I love kids," Mark wore a warm smile.

I pushed my hair back, "no, uh, she's my daughter," I could feel (D/N) tugging on my shirt.

"Mommy, is this your boyfriend?"

I smiled. "I'm definetly your moms boyfriend," Mark reached into the bouquet grabbing, what looked like, a fake rose. "I was trying to be romantic, but I've just gotta give her something too," Mark smiled.

"You're not mad, you're not gonna leave?"

"Of course not, I think it's great," Mark put his hands in his pockets. "I might just go watch cartoons with her."

"Go right ahead," I snickered.

He's definetly a keeper.

A/N: There will be a part 2!!

plus, issa my birthday, yeetyeet (this was in july lol)

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