Your First Kid - Part 2

545 16 25

Suggested/requested by: _Crystal_Plays_

Oml the @ thing actually worked this time (probably because I'm on my computer).  

This time, your daughter will be named Crystal, specially named by the cupcake who requested.

My father was dying for Mark and I to have a baby girl, and well, we were giving birth to one.  "Mark!" I squeezed his hand tightly as they told me to push once more (I am not describing a women's birth). The doctor patted the baby's butt and proceeded to see if she was breathing.

"And here you are, a baby girl," a nurse gave us a washed baby, wrapped up in a soft light pink blanket. 

She had bright blue eyes (fun fact-all babies are born with blue eyes and when they get older, not long after being born, they can change), signaling she was going to have blue eyes just like her grandmother, who was with my dad at the moment, in the waiting room. Her little nose reminded me of her fathers, and her little smile did as well, as I began to say things to her. "Hi baby girl," I smiled, tears in my eyes. "How are you?" I knew she couldn't answer, but her smile was so cute I couldn't help but keep on asking her.

Mark had to bond with her as well, his smile and kisses, and sweet talk was a wonderful show to watch. I loved how he handled her. He began to hum and sing lullaby's. 

"Hello, how's it going?" A nurse walked in. "It's time to give your baby a name," she smiled.

Mark and I looked at each other and we knew right away what we wanted to name her. "Lets name her Crystal," Mark looked down at her, swaying back and fourth slowly. "Crystal (okay, you can choose a middle name) Fischbach."

Later that night, they let my parents come into the room and let them meet our newly born daughter. My dads face lit up and I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was very, very, happy. He laughed as she softly made a noise. "Hush little baby, don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird.."

"Daddy! Can you sing me a song?" I asked, holding onto my teddy bear.

"Yes baby," he took a seat next to the bed as I tucked myself in. "Twinkle twinkle little star.."

He reminded me of when I was little.


"Crystal!" I called as I set my purse and keys down on the counter. "Mark!"

"Yes honey?" Mark walked down without our six year old.

"It's a boy," I giggled, running over to the man of my dreams.

"What a surprise it will be for Crystal?" He smiled, planting a kiss on my lips.

"That reminds me, where is she?"

"She's taking a nap," he smiled. "Your dad visited and they had a 'play date', then she got tuckered out. And so did your dad, he's in the spare room."

"You better hope to god he's not up," I said. "I don't want to spoil it for them."

I apologise if this is bad, it's almost three in the morning and I'm bored, and not tired.

Oh, and so technically wasn't born, I was removed *laughs*.

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