// A Visit

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Much love.

Much joy.

I waited for the flight attendants to finally call us out. Outside was bitter cold and every one of us rubbed our shoulders; however, I was used to cold every now and then. "Walk into this gate and you'll be inside," a lady, bundled up, exclaimed.

I rubbed my cheeks and look my hat off getting used to the warmth. A walked out and stood, looking at my surroundings. I could hear someone running behind me, and then I turned around to someone picking me up and swinging me around. "(Y/N), I'm so glad you came," Mark said against my neck.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world," I smiled, hugging him tighter.

Mark backed away and looked me in the eyes. "You look very beautiful," he smiled.

"And you look very h-"

I was cut short when Mark pressed his lips against mine. "Handsome?"


He snickered. "I missed you so much." He sighed and hugged me again.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Almost a year," he backed away and grabbed hold of my luggage and my free hand. "I'm going to make this week the best one of all," Mark smiled.

"I always have the best time with you," I giggled.

We walked outside again. "God, you're crazy Mark," he wore only a T-shirt.

"Yeah, coming from California, I thought it was the warm time of the year," he huffed putting my luggage in the trunk.

I laughed as Mark opened up the passenger side. "Thank you."

Mark smiled and walked over to the drivers side. "Mom made dinner and put it in the fridge. We'll eat in my room or something so we don't wake anyone. And I'll probably stay up a little more, since I'm used to the two hours behind."

"That's fine by me. Do you know what she made?"

"Pull pork sandwiches, mash potatoes, and asparagus," he said.

"Mmm, sounds good to me," I grinned.

(Pretend you like asparagus, you fools [jk] :))

"I brought Chica with me too, she really misses you," Mark chuckled. We walked inside the house and I set my coat on the rack. Mark put my things in his bedroom. "It, is okay if I put your stuff in there, right?"

"Yeah, of course," I smiled.

Mark heated up food for us and we went to his bedroom. "You want to play a game?" He asked.

"I'll watch you, I'm tired and might fall asleep," I laughed. "I might, but I need to eat first."

"Okay," he smiled. Both us of finished eating and I watched Mark play Slender to fill us with old memories. "I don't like living so far from each other."

"Me neither," I placed my hand on his chest and softly moved my hand back and forth. He put the controller down and rolled over to look at me. "I missed you," I sighed, looking down.

His lips were placed against mine again and his hands held my jawline carefully. My arms wiggled around his neck and I pulled his slowly closer. "Do you remember what I asked you before you left for home..for college?"

"Yeah, and how I said no.." I averted my gaze. "Can I change that?"

"Do whatever you want."

"Mark, I'll marry you," I hugged him.

Mark softly kissed my neck. "And I'll marry you."


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