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James Arthur - Can I be Him?

Fyi from dec. 2019 trendy, this one sucks ass :)

The hallway was longer than it usually was, and my heart began to beat profoundly as I approached the office that belonged to Lieutenant Fischbach. My stomach was tied in knots, and butterflies flew around inside. I brought my hand up to the door, but I couldn't. Why am I scared to just knock and tell him we've been assigned to the same case? I finally managed to knock. "Hello, Lieutenant Fischbach?"

"Who is it?" The voice was scratchy.

"It's Detective (L/)-" The door opened.

"Come in," he smiled. "What did you want to say?"

"I-I, we, um," I took a sip of the coffee I had in my other hand. "We were assigned to the same homicide case that occurred yesterday evening."

"Which is?" He wanted more information.

"A young man, found in his bathtub with watered down blood, or blood in the water, was beaten to death by a few weapons, some not found. His name is Jason Hekls at the age of 24, he had a good job and a good family, according to his mother who was contacted this morning, however, she listed a few who could be interrogated," I explained. "Some who may not have liked him as well."

"We'll head out now," he smiled. "Just call me Mark, okay?"



"Yes Mark."

Mark chuckled as he grabbed my hand, causing me to spill a little bit of my coffee. "Let's get on our way then," he walked is to the front desk. "Address for yesterday's homicide case with Jason Hekls."

"Here you are Lieutenant."

I took the passenger seat of Marks car. "So, last week I tried getting a hold of you for a nice dinner, but it sounded like you were busy from what Gabriel told me."

I scoffed. "I wasn't up to anything last week besides working and eating Chinese take out. John has a thing for me, and I'm not to fond of the rude s.o.b.." I looked over to Mark. "If you actually contacted me myself, I would have definetly said yes," I said shyly.

"Have you always been this quiet? Normally, I mean."

"Yes, I went a good year here, when I first started, without talking to any new faces besides my bosses at the time. Then the new faced boss showed up with a few new workers, and somehow people started to speak up."

"I was one of those new faces," Mark chuckled. "I was the only one that became a busy Lieutenant."

"You're not wrong."

We arrived at he scene in around twenty minutes. "Lieutenant and Detective, we've found some new weapons scattered around the house."

"What did you find?" I asked.

"A few knives hidden behind the 'fridge."

Mark and I walked over as we put our gloves on. "There's so much blood, and this person dragged him to the bathtub?"

"They had to of been weak themselves," Mark smirked, "there wouldn't be a pool of blood going down the hallway if this person could quickly drag him to the bathroom."

There was a note on the counter of the bathroom. "You guys never saw this laying here?" I asked, picking the note up. I opened it up, "we could have had this solved yesterday night if this was found."

Mark glared at the other detectives. "Really? You didn't manage to look at this note?"

"It was assisted suicide, the note says he forced his girlfriend to help," I pursed my lips.

"She must've been the one who turned herself in last night for 'forced kill'."

"She must be so hurt," I took the note and put it into a baggy. "Lets go get her some help then."

"Then," Mark smiled. "We can go get ourselves some dinner, just us two."

"Not at a scene sir," I managed to say, walking quickly to his car. "Sir Perkins? This is Detective (L/N), we need to help that girl from last night, get her into some type of institute."

"Why's that?"

"Her boyfriend forced her to assist his suicide. It's not a homicide."

***Later that month***

"Coffee? Just for me?" I smiled, taking the coffee from Marks hand.

"Yes ma'am, probably will be for the rest of the time we work here."

My face became a tomato within a matter of seconds, just before he kissed my forehead.

Yep, this one succ.

I tried basing this off of Detroit: Become Human and I have a secret in case you didn't know...

eh hem

LiEuTeNaNt HaNk Is Mr. KrAbS

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