//the cliff

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Song: Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes

"Mark, are you sure this is a good idea?" Ethan asked.

"You think I made this arrangement?!" Mark asked.

"We all know it was me, famous Ryan," Ryan put his hands on his hips.

"Fuck you trashmouth," Ethan spoke. "This is really high man."

"What'ch y'all lookin' at?" I asked, looking over the cliff. "I don't see a problem here."

All the boys were in there underwear. "You're not gonna jump are you?" Tyler asked. Amy and I stood next together and smiled.

"Of course we are," we said in unison. "We're not pussies!"

Mark was taken aback. "Then I'll jump," he spoke.

Amy and I took off our first layer of clothing, leaving us in our undergarments, a bra and underwear. We grabbed each other's hand, "yeehaw ladies!"

Mark jumped after us. "Oh jesus it's cold!"

"But wasn't it fun!?" I exclaimed, pulling him from where the boys would land if they jumped.

Then finally. Matt, Ethan, Tyler, and Ryan, all came flopping down into the water. "Christ dude, it's cold!"

"You'll get used to it!" Amy dived underwater, making her way over to where we were. "Now, since we're all in the water now, how about we play some Chicken?" I could see the sly smirk on Amy's face.

"Ryan holds Ethan!" Ryan laughed.

"Fuck dude, no!"

Ryan won.

"I'll watch," Tyler said, before looking like he was a murderer underwater.

"Matt, you have me," Amy smiled.

"Looks like you have me on your shoulders then Mr. Mark," I smiled.

"Oh look at you," Ethan didn't like me slightly making fun of him. "Imma get'cha!"

Ethan laughed after I tried pushing him over.

"Payback!" Ethan tried as I pushed him back.

"Ethan, just fall already!" I laughed, pushing him off of Ryan. "I win!"

"Can you do a handstand in the water?" Ryan asked.

"Yessir, I can," I volunteered. I found a place in the water high enough for me to put my hands and torso in.

"I have to go guys," Amy smiled. "See you tomorrow!" She said, putting her clothes on that we sent Ethan and Ryan after.

"See ya!" I giggled.

Mark smiled at me. "Do you want to go? I'll buy you ice c-cream."

"I'd love to," I ruffled Mark's wet hair as I got out of the water. "See you three goofs tomorrow too!" I waved to Ethan, Ryan, and Matt. I helped Mark get out of the water. "Mark?"


"Where do we go after we get the ice cream?" I asked. "I don't want to go home yet, it's gotta be just one or something."

Mark checked his watch that we had in his pants pocket. "It's 1:30. We can go to my house."

"May I play the piano when we get there?" I smiled, batting my eyelashes.

Mark chuckled. "Yes."

"Derry Ice cream; yum, yum, yum!" I licked my lips.

"What do you want to get?" Mark asked.

"Chocolate Ice cream, please."

"Two Chocolate ice creams please, one with oreos and the other with reeses," Mark handed the money to the older worker.

Mark and I sat at the picnic tables near the side of the shop. "Mark, yours looks really good," I smiled. "Mind if I try some?" I asked. He shook his head. I gently took the plastic spoon from him and took a small chunk of the ice cream with reeses.

"Is it good?" He asked as I gave him his spoon back.

"Yes! Really good!" I giggled, taking a bite of mine from the ice cream cone.

We finished our ice cream when Mike showed up. "Hey (Y/N)."

"Hey Mike, what's up?" I asked.

"Taking meat to the shops in town," he answered. "You and Mark on a date?" He raised his eyebrows, and wiggled them.

"No, I don't think so, uh, Mark?" I looked at him, I knew my face was red; I was clearly embarrassed.

"We were just getting ice cream," Mark explained.

"If you say so. See ya later guys," Mike left within a heartbeat.

I didn't say anything on the way over to Mark's house, not much anyways.

"Welcome home Mark; what's (Y/N) up to?" Mark's mom questioned me.

"Just nothing much, just hanging out with Mark. May I play the piano again ma'am?"

She giggled. "Go ahead."

I went and sat at the piano where Mark followed me. "Why did you get all flustered when Mike said that, uh, thing?"

I smiled. "I'll tell you later Mark."

I struck the c chord very lightly, and continued to play a soft tune.

Mark's stepdad walked in. "Hello (Y/N)."

"Hello sir, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, how about yourself young lady?"

"I'm good too," I smiled.

"Well that's good. Oops, gotta go back to the garage," he walked back to where he came.

A couple of hours later, Mark walked me home. "Now may I know?"

I bit my lip and looked down at my shoes. I've known Mark for quite a couple of years, and all I've done for that past few months is fall for him. "Mark, you're cute. Very cute. A-and you're very nice and everything. If this is awkward or something else happens, you have to promise me you won't stop being my friend," I was still looking down. "Pinky promise?"

"I pinky promise," he locked his pinky with mine.

I quickly got on my tippy toes and kissed Mark's cheek. "Goodnight Mark," I said quickly.

"(Y/N), hold on," Mark grabbed my shoulder. His hands grabbed my face and he softly put his lips against mine. "Is that what you meant to tell me?"

"Y-yes," my cheeks were a burning red; yet, my hands reached back up for his face to pull him into one last kiss. "Goodnight Mark," I hugged him.

"Goodnight (Y/N). See you tomorrow."

"You too Mark, and please, don't tell our friends about this."

"I won't."

"Good. Bye loser."

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