// He prepares Breakfast

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I could smell bacon being fried in a pan and the sound of moving children in the kitchen. My eyes closed every so often from the pleasant smells, and soaking in the amount of sleep I was actually getting.

The bedsheets were soft, and smelled of a mixture of Mark and I both. My water glass was half full and a candle was lit by my dresser, as usual.

The white door slowly creaked open and two small children walked up to the bed and crawled up with me. "Hi Mommy," my oldest, now five, smiled.

"Hi munchkins," I squeezed their cheeks.

Mark walked in with a plate of buttered pancakes, bacon, raisin bread, and a glass of Apple Juice. "Thought we could celebrate mothers day twice in a row for my wife," he smiled. "It was the kids idea, they really want to make this year special."


"Why'd you introduce him to Hamilton?"

"Boi, he's our son. Let him get to know his history," I laughed hysterically. "Because I can."

"And your name isn't Philip."

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