short//p.s. i love you

54 1 0

Song: mr. brightside

Mark was sound asleep next to me as the movie had ended. I clicked the remote turning the system off. I got up to use the bathroom, and as I came back I knicked my toe on a box underneath the bed. "What in the world?" Grabbing the box, I walked out to the living room and sat down. Although it was one in the morning, I couldn't leave it.

The box was full of letters addressed to me. I grabbed the letter with the number "1" plastered on the back. The envelope was never sealed, and the glue was still a perfect creamy color.


Dear (Y/N),

      The first time I set my eyes on you my world went around in circles. I cleaned up, I went out, I did things I wanted. But upon laying my eyes on you, I couldn't approach you, not just yet. Not until Ethan hurriedly figured out what my deal was that sent me flying in your direction. I love everything about you, even if I've practically known you for only five months, but my happiness wants to furnish yours. And with that said, this is the first letter.

P.S. I love you

I continued to read more letters that caused me to giggle and have slight blushes of pink, and maybe a few dashes of tears, but every letter was heartfelt.

I didn't notice I fell asleep on the couch. "Hey honey?" Mark tapped my shoulder, picking up the letters.

"Oh, I must've fallen asleep," I began to rub my eyes.

Mark smiled. "It's almost been four years. I wrote these out of a thought, a thought of not having you, but, lucky ol' me."

I grabbed onto Marks hand. "Lucky ol' the-both-of-us."

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