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Stole from my Tyler Imagines

I have anxiety. Or, that's what I have to tell my land lord at my apartment in order to have pets. I already have a cat, a fat one, named Skittles. I thought it was time to get her a friend, a dog friend. Not only because of her, but because I was on the verge of getting seventy one more cats because of a break up. And one cat was enough. My mom told me their was a black and white Great Dane, female, at the nearest Pet Adoption Center. Great Dane are known for being apartment dogs that don't bark loudly. But, I've had one - two, before. "What's her name again?" I asked in the phone.

"Her name is Stella sweetheart, I told the lady you were coming today to get her. If you have any questions about her, ask the lady okay?"

"I will mom," I asked. "Is dad mad you helped me with getting her? You know I'll pay you guys back right? I do every time."

"No. But that reminds me, when's your next payday?"

"Thursday," I spoke. "I'll pay my bills and then pay you guys back."

"So you'll be coming over?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Do you want me to buy something you make?"

"Oh, no, I have to go shopping later, so we'll have food for that night."

"Okay. Well, I'll see you Thursday."

"Okay, bye sweetheart, I love you."

"Love you too mom," I hung up,  getting into my truck.

I drove about twenty minutes to the Adoption Center. I walked in seeing a few people sitting, and a man walking into where the cages were with another man, who I assume is a worker. I walked to the desk. "Hi, my name's  (Y/N) (L/N). I'm here to pick up Stella, a Great Dane."

She pushed the keys on the keyboard and smiled up at me. "Walk back with me and we'll get your little sweetheart." Another worker took over the computer as the lady lead me to where the cages were. "Okay, so, she's a hyper puppy, but she loves to cuddle. Have you ever had a Great Dane before?" She asked.

"When I was younger and living with my parents we had a couple of them."

"Nice, so, do you know that they like to pick who they want to, like, protect, or just go to in general?"

"Yeah, our first picked my mother, and our second picked me."

"She might be curious at first, because she gets excited and doesn't know what to do, but I'm sure she'll be as sweet and cute as a button for you." We walked up to her cage. She was sitting and waging her tail, and my heart just melted at the site of her. Next to us, there was a man, looking at another dog. He looked over and smiled.

"Do you like dogs?" He asked. "Does this one look like me? Happy and ambitious?" He chuckled. "I'm Mark."

"She does kinda look like that," I laughed. "I'm (Y/N)."

The lady helping me with my pup unlocked her cage and handed me Stella. "There you go," she smiled.

"What's this dogs name?" Mark asked.

"She doesn't have a name yet," she said. "She's a year old who we found on the streets, but she's really cuddly and sweet."

"Can I come back for her tomorrow?" Mark asked. "I'd like to buy her some things first, like food, a bed. And may I name her Chica?"

"Yes, we'll put it in the computer and put an adopted sign on her cage."

"Thank you," Mark smiled.

Markiplier Imagines (completed)Where stories live. Discover now