//marks day off

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Requested Song and Story :) ...

Allstar Weekend - Hey Princess

"Rise. And. Shine!" Mark threw the curtains open. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey, babygirl get uuuuup," I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body.

"But baby, I don't want to," I said turning towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"But if you want to spend time with me on a day I can do absolutely nothing, you need to get up," he pecked my lips.

'What time is it?" I asked.

"Ten o' clock. We'll go to Margos," he sang.

"Fine, I'm up," I rubbed my eyes.

After Margos we decided we would go to the store and so some grocery shopping. "Hello, welcome to Wal-mart."

"Hello. Mark, babe, what do you want for dinner?" I said pushing the cart towards the fruit. "Mark?" I looked around me with no Mark to be seen. "Or I get to choose dinner, that's noice." An older couple stared at me as I talked to myself about my boyfriend.

I grabbed a box of cereal for in the mornings after I put (favorite meals ingredients) into the cart. My sides were being tickled at this point. My elbows were rambed into who was creating this monstrous act. "Awe, babe, that hurt," I heard Mark grown.

"Oh! Baby, I'm so sorry, I thought you were a strange man," I said devilishly.

"I somewhat disbelieve that," Mark said holding his gut.

"Sorry honey, I really did think it was a creep though," I said, reaching up for another box of cereal.

At the register, Mark payed for our food. "Home, and theeeeen, a movie?"

"Sounds good to me Mark," I smiled.

"Hey honey!" Mark called from the living room.

"Yes?" I poked my head out of the kitchen after putting everything away.

"What movie would you like to watch?"

"It's your day off, whatever you want. What do you want for dinner?"

"Chicken nuggets, the child kind."

I walked into the living room with plates of chicken nuggets and potatoes. "The child kind dinner for you," I gave him his plate and held onto mine. "Of all the movies we have, you pick Shrek?"

"My favorite," Mark gave a smug smirk after biting into a chicken nugget.

"You dog."



The movie had finished and Mark brought me closer to him as he lightly kissed my head. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm sorry today wasn't very eventful."

"No baby, today was eventful. Your fry flinginf fest in Margos, your elbow trick in the store, your delicious meal and pinching during the movie, it all made my day, you made my day."

I smiled. "I'm glad."

"Of course." "If only I had the courage to ask you to marry me."

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