// Say You Won't Let Go

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"Mommy, I want some cereal," your son exclaimed. Meanwhile, you were trying to feed your daughter some baby food.

"Just a second hon, let me finish feeding your sister," I smiled.

"Okay," he grinned.

"Or you can have daddy do it," I winked. "You can go wake him up."

"Daddy? Daddy!" (Boys Name) ran up the stairs passing by the lazy Chica and into Mark and I's room. "Daddy wake up!" (B/N) pushed and jumped on Mark.

"It's too early for dad to get up," Mark said huskily. "Just a little bit more."

"I'll go tell mommy you're not getting up," the boy acted as if he was the boss. "And then you'll get in trouble."

Mark's phone buzzed. Mark hurriedly answered it. "Hello?"

"Get downstairs before your son starves please," he could hear the grit of her teeth and the anger that she didn't actually have.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Who was that?" (B/N) asked.

"It was mommy," Mark smiled and picked the boy up over his shoulders. "Why don't we just get some breakfast," he said rhetorically.

"That sounds good! I'm starving!"

The little girl that sat in the high chair giggled as she saw her dad walk across the kitchen. "Hello munchkin," he smiled, pinching her cheek.

"I want cereal daddy," (B/N) smiled. "That one," he pointed to (favorite cereal).

"That's your mom's, how about this one, Trix?"

"That's okay daddy."

Mark poured the cereal into a bowl along with with milk. "Good amount?"

"Good, daddy."

"Mo-mo-." We looked over at (girls name) and smiled, waiting for some words. "Moo."

I giggled. "That's what a cow says, that's for sure."

"I have to go out today," Mark said.

"You're always gone daddy," (B/N) said sadly.

"I know, I'm sorry," Mark sighed. "I know. "

I looked at Mark. "You have to do what you gotta do. Just say you won't let go Mark. Of your happiness. Of me."

"I'm ending it. So, we'll both be satisfied."

"Did you love her?"


I was relieved. "I l-"

"I love you," Mark kissed my cheek before walking upstairs.



"Who's her?"

I looked down at (B/N) and sighed. "Someone your dad won't see anymore after this. To make us all happy, okay?"


"Daddy will be home more."




Mark smiled. "We're having another baby? Oh sweetheart!"

I hummed. "That's why I want a little party for our (B/N) and (G/N). They'll be the ones opening the gender at our baby shower," smiling, I hugged my husband.

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