How You Met (Part 7)

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Suggestion/Request by: @SepticCinnaBun (Who is (was) now @marklesparklesenpai// WHO IS NOW @TINYRICKK)

Imma change it up a tiny bit btw, not too much though

(Y/N) had been on Twitter all night, answering questions about who she was and what she did for a living. She lived in Italy, but wasn't born there. You see, she was born in the United States, but moved when she was almost sixteen, because her father had to take a job up. She knew little italian, and the only way she could really communicate was through her parents and family, and social media, lots of people spoke English. But she was now 24, and still didn't know any Italian well. As she answered questions, a man with over (I don't have twitter, so I'm going to go with his Instagram follows) 5.9 million followers had followed her, and decided to message her. "Heya, I'm Mark, an obnoxious man." She giggled at the message.

"From LA eh? I haven't been to the states in forever, but hey, I'm (Y/N). I wonder what time it is there?"

And then it began, they starting of best friends, to a year of online dating, not only by texting, but by skyping. "Hello my lovely lady," he waved to her within the screen.

"It's almost our birthday," she smiled. "I turn 26 and you turn the 28 and I, I, I'm so happy," she wiggled around on the bed.

He smiled. "You look very beautiful, as usual. I wish I could see you but Tyler and Ethan want me to do some stuff with them the day after," he sighed.

Little did he know she had a ticket to LA and would be leaving in an hour. "I wish I could see you too," I rubbed my fingers along the keyboard. "How's Chica?" She asked.

"She's doing good," he smiled. "She's right here in fact; come here Chica Pika," he said, picking her up and showing her in front of the screen.

"Hello baby," (Y/N) smiled. "She must be so sweet."

"She's definetly a sweetheart," he said.

She grabbed her packed things and said goodbye to her parents and drove to the airport. It wasn't as packed as she thought it would be, due to the amount of American people visit each summer. She took her ticket to the front desk after getting all of my things checked, including her. The lady started to speak Italian but then noticed she couldn't understand all of it. "The open door to the left is to Los Angeles, California, enjoy your trip," she smiled at her.

"Thank you," (Y/N) smiled.

"You're welcome."

(Y/N) walked amongst the plane. The Italian version was said, then English. "Welcome, we are going to America. LA, California is a little ways ahead, get some rest, and enjoy your flight."

The lights dimmed and she was soon asleep.

"Miss, miss, we're here," a man lightly pushed her and woke her.

"Oh. I'm sorry," she got up and got her things. "Thank you."

(Y/N) got out of the airport and took a ride to a car rental place, which surprisingly had an ATM. She decided she didn't need a car and went back in the car and drove to the Address she had dying to go to for a year and a half. It was 6:30 in the morning, and Mark was already texting her. (Y/N) walked up to the door and took a deep breath. She pushed her hair back and smiled at her shaking fingers, but she gained the courage and knocked on the door. He then opened the door rubbing his eyes and holding the towel on his body as he stood behind the door. "(Y/N)?"

"Happy Birthday hon," she smiled widely.

"Well come in!" He said. She did so, so he didn't get embarrassed by his towel. "Oh baby, it's so nice to see you," he smiled. "I can't believe you came!" He came over and hugged her as tightly as he could. "I'll be back," and she assumed he went to get dressed.

He came down in decent clothes and took her bags, setting them next to the stairs. She walked over to him and hugged him once again. "You know I'm staying, right? For a little while."

"I don't care, as long as I'm with you," she could feel his smile as his breath hit her skin. "I love you so much," he said.

She pulled back and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you too."

The two then went out for dinner later on and came back after two. "You want to make a video for YouTube with me?" Mark asked (Y/N).

"Do you have a YouTube?" She asked.

"Yeah, I uh, I have 17 million Subscribers," he said. "My fans know a lot about you over my videos and they seem to like you, from a distance. It takes them a bit to warm up to people."

"It must be like having 17 million kids, huh?" She asked, giggling.

"It kinda is, I mean, a lot of them do get in fights," he chuckled. "Happy Birthday to you too sweetheart," he said, grabbing her hands and rubbing his thumb against her kunckles.

They went back to Mark's house, where he set everything up and started recording. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I am here with the one and only love of my life who came to surprise me from Italy, (Y/N). I had asked questions on Twitter and will be answering them in this video due to the fact, it's both our birthdays," he grabbed his phone.

"I'll read them," (Y/N) smiled. "Okay, Mark, when did you finally tie the knot between you and your girlfriend, and will you ever meet up?"

"A year ago, and we are meeting now," he smiled at her.

"Both of you, where is (Y/N) actually from, or is she from Italy, can she speak Italian?"

"I'm from the United States, but my dad took a job when I was sixteen and we had to move to Italy. And no, I don't know much Italian, I was homeschooled when we moved. I did graduate in a school though, with all the other homeschooled kids," she giggled. "I lived in (State) before I moved."

They answered more questions, and ended the video. "I can't believe it's almost five," Mark said. "Are you tired?"

"No, I can stay up for a long time, believe it or not."

"Can you stay up long enough for me to love you?"

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