// Drunk

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If you're not 21, I'm not either.

Have I ever drank? No.

Have I ever written about this? I don't remember.

She took shot after shot and her breath reeked of alcohol. I sat down next to her and drank water because I knew I was the designated driver and the fact I can't drink. (Y/N) started to hiccup after her second actual drink and asked if we could go home, which I gladly said yes. "You're drunk too, don't drive."

"(Y/N), I didn't drink at all," I smiled.

"You're not suppothed to rink."

"I know," I backed the car up and started heading back to her house. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

"Yes, plz," she giggled.

When we arrived, I walked her inside and took her upstairs to her bedroom where I had her lay on her side. "I don't want you to choke if you throw up, okay?"

She nodded tiredly.

I got in next to her and wrapped my arms around her body. I loved her, yet I was treated like a friend. "I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Markimoo.." She hummed.


"Mark? Wakey wakey!" (Y/N) pinched my nose. "Am I hungover?"

"Probably, you did drink a lot."

"You didn't drink did you? Please tell me you didn't, I don't want to see you go through pain," she checked my abdomen to see if it hurt anywhere.

"I didn't, I'm fine."

"Good, I was worried for a second."

"I'm just pregnant."

"You're weird."

"I love you~."



"I love you too."

"You're drunk (Y/N), go home."

"Get out."

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