// Apologies

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I sat there with a frown as Mark kept blabbering sweet things to the girl sitting next to him. "You're really pretty," my blood boiled with anger. Shut up, shut up. "Lets hang out some time."

"No," I growled to the man sitting next to me. "You can't."

"Why?" Mark looked at me with a soft smile. "You're my bestfriend, but I'm the only one in charge of my life."

"Not that.." I looked down at my knee's. "It's really not that."

"Then what is it?" Mark asked tilting his head.

I looked away as tears started to run down my cheeks as if they were waterslides. "I don't know, but my heart sinks," I stood up grabbing my purse and keys, "maybe I shouldn't of came," I looked back at him with a fake smile and walked out of his front door. Chica was the only thing running after me. "It might be a while my Golden Pony Girl," I giggled a small bit but soon stopped. Sobbing, I kissed her soft head and walked out.

It was my fault.

I was the one to tell Mark to get himself a girlfriend, though I didn't know my heart would ache so much from an accomplishment. Maybe I should have told him what I felt, but I didn't know them until now.

Weeks went by and I fell distant from Mark and I's relationship. The more sadness that built up, the more frustrated I would get, like I had a broken heart. I had no motive after my incident.

"You can't have him, I could tell what you were thinking just by the way your eyes looked," The girl had walked into the restaurant I worked at and spoke to me.

"I didn't say I want him, he's my best friend," I said looking away. "I don't know if you like it or what, but I don't like it."

"Like what?" She asked furiously.

"Drama. I'm not a high school student and neither are you," I spoke after walking away. "It was his choice, not mine. If I liked him, I would have told him."

But I was lying, I don't know how to tell him.

"You need to get ahold of him or something," my other friend, or co-worker, exclaimed shaking her head.

"I don't need to do anything."

"Oh come on."

And the more days that passed by, the worse my feelings grew. I was afraid, that my feelings were not the same.

"Mark called me because he couldn't get ahold of you. He wants you to meet him by the high school, (Y/N)," my mother explained to me as I sat at the dining table. "Tonight."

I sighed, but I agreed, I needed to face my fears. "Yeah, sure."

I suddenly got a text message from an unknown number. I'm so sorry that I was rude to you (Y/N). I'm just a friend of Marks and got way too ahead of myself. I'd like to apologize to you some day in person if it's possible - (Random Girl Name).

"Go get 'em tiger," my dad smiled.

"Dad!" I giggled.

I made my way towards the high school and parked in an empty spot. I sat there to think what I was doing when I heard a knock on my window. Mark waved at me and smiled. I opened my door accidentally bumping him in the head. "Ouch!"

"Mark, I'm so sorry!" I closed the door and looked at the red mark on his forehead from my short height. "Does it hurt? That's a stupid quest-"

He grabbed my jawline and pushed his lips against mine leaving me with a scent of pleasure. "I didn't like her that way, I didn't think that I would hurt you either." He pressed his lips on mine again and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I've always thought you were so beautiful, ever since we had met in College." He hugged me and took in a deep breath and he placed his head in the crook of my neck. "I was just too scared to tell you about these feelings that I have for you." His embrace became tighter as the minutes passed, "I love you (Y/N)."

A smile grew on my face as I closed my eyes and hugged the man back. "I love you too Mark. I always have."

"And I apologize for my stupid mistake. I really am."

"It was my fault Mark."

"No it wasn't," he assured.

"It was."


I giggled. "Okay, of you say so."

This one was a bit confuzzled for me, sorrry

This was requested!

Any requests? Comment them plz!


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