Part 2-Zosia

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'Hey Zosh- wake up' sang Zosia's flat mate Dom knocking on her bedroom door. 'Zosia, wakey wakey' he teased coming in to her room. She sat up and Dom handed her a cup of tea 'Dominic,' Zosia said suspiciously siping her tea 'what's up you never make me tea' Zosia yawned 'I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to miss our pizza and rom com night on Friday, I have a date!' Dom smiled. 'Ohh tell me more?' Zosia asked swinging her legs out of bed. She was working the late shift that night 6pm until stupid o'clock in the morning- which was anytime between 11pm and 7am in Zosia's world.  ' He's called Andy and he works at Albies' Dom continued about the new man he was seeing ' the blond one?' Zosia asked 'obviously' Dom replied.
After showering Zosia checked her phone. There was a text from her boyfriend Ollie saying he couldn't wait to see her at work.  Zosia picked out a cardigan from her wardrobe she hadn't worn for a while and slipped it on. She reached into the pocket and pulled out a bracelet. Plastic glittery beads threaded onto a price of string with 5 white beads that spelled out her name. It was ugly and tacky but her little cousin Natalia had made it for her years ago. Zosia smiled and picked up a framed photo from her shelf were she had quite a few photos. The one in her hand was of a holiday in Cornwall about 5 years ago. It was her and Natalia playing catch on the beach. Zosia was wearing a short summer dress on top of a bikini, her dark her was blowing in the wind. Natalia was wearing a pink swimming costume with a t shirt on top to hide her puppy fat. Her fair hair was tied back messily. Both Zosia and Natalia looked so happy. So much has changed since then. Since Zosia's mother Anja had got ill all these fun family holidays and days out had ceased. Zosia realised she hadn't seen Natalia since her mothers funeral.
'Zosh, are you going to work?' Dom's voice snapped Zosia out of her daydream. She looked at the time she should have left 5 minutes ago. 'See you later' she called to Dom rushing out of the door. ' don't kill anyone!' Dom called lightheartedly. As Zosia started the 5 minute walk to work.

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