Chapter 57- any girl who takes a blade to her skin is not ok

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The next week Zosia was finally let home. It felt like she'd spent far longer than 10 days in the hospital. Ollie picked her up while Ali was at Day treatment. She still wansnt allowed to go back to work anytime soon. "What do you fancy doing tonight Zosh?" He asked his girlfriend. "Nothing!" Zosia answered. Ollie had been told to expect this from Zosia's psychologist. And Dom who'd told him "Zosia with depression is a bitch, well depression's a bitch."
"We could go to The cinema, bowling, out for a meal?" He asked
"Yeah? Because Natalia would love that!" Zosia snapped.
"Ok well we'll stay home and watch a movie. I'm picking Ali up from her Klaudia's at 7. He texted Ali
Hi Ali,
Are you still ok for me to pick you up from your mums at 7? We're planning to watch a movie. What do you fancy? Something Christmassy or something fun?
Ol x
He lied as an afterthought
Zosia can't wait to see you!
He got an immediate text back and realised Ali would be doing schoolwork. She wasn't allowed to text in therapy or at mealtimes.
Sound of music please if you and Zosh are ok with that tell Zosh kocham cię from me Dziękuję
NA x
She always ended her texts to Ollie and Colette NA because they sometimes called her Natalia and sometimes Ali.
He turned to Zosia "Ali wants to watch sound of music and says Koham Chem" he tried to remember how Ali had taught him to pronounce it.
"Its Kocham cię." Zosia said flatly.

"My day in the hills has come to an end. I wonder" Ali sang. "You know this is Babcia's favourite film. So you remember her making us watch it all the time when you were on holiday in Poland." Zosia didn't answer " I basically learned English from this film." She continued to sing along. Zosia stared at her lap. Can I borrow the DVD? Ali asked "I'd love to watch it with mama, she loves it too."
Ali so enjoyed watching the film, singing along even dancing at some points. Ollie loved watching her joy. But was very worried about Zosia. "Will you just shut up!" Zosia yelled during lonely goatherd. "You should be living with your mother by now anyway, this was never ment to last."
Ali ran upstairs. "God Zosia, I know your hurting but upsetting Ali wansnt necessary was it? "
"She's related to me not you. Your opinion is not valid here." Zosia walked into the kitchen. Ollie decided to go find Ali. She had locked herself in the bathroom. "Natalia, can you let me in. Zosia didn't mean it." He could hear her crying. "Ali??"
"Fuck off." He went into his ensuite and went to the loo. He thought he'd let the girls cool off. He went to wash his hands then noticed his razor wasn't on the sink. It hadn't fallen down the side of the cabinet either. He ran back to the bathroom "Natalia open the door, right now." She didn't so he went to find a coin to open, she obviously had something against the door despite the fact it was unlocked he decided to ring Colette.
"Col, it's Ali, and Zosh." He had tears forming in his eyes. "Ela's at her aunties give me 15 mins." Col answered.
Ollie spent the next 5 minutes trying to coax Ali out of the bathroom. He realised it was futile so went to find Zosia.
Colette arrived. "She's in the upstairs bathroom. I can't find my razor." Ollie told her out of Zosia's earshot. He was sitting watching the news with her. Colette ran up the stairs. She knocked gently on the door "Go away Ollie." Came the sobs from inside. "Natalia, can you let me in love, it's me Collette."
"Yes I'm just here. I'm not angry, can you move whatever's next to the door."
"Just you."
"Yeah, just me."
Ali dragged the huge bath away from the door and open it a little. Colette slipped in "how did a tiny thing like you move that huge bath?"
"It's on wheels." She whispered.
Colette sat down on the floor next to Ali. "Natalia I need to ask you. And you need to tell me the truth... do you have Ollie's razor?" She asked sensitively. Ali didn't reply. "Give it to me love." Colette said firmly. Ali moved the towel from the floor and passed Colette the razor. Ali had somehow taken one of the blades out of the razor Colette grabbed that too and put them up on the sink. "Where?" She asked
"Where did you cut yourself. I need to see if they need medical attention." She said firmly.
"They don't." Ali whispered in reply.
"Come on love, you're not qualified to make that decision." Ali slowly lifted her shirt to revel about 10 horizontal cuts. Collette looked at the cabinet under the sink and as she expected for a couple of doctors she found a first aid kit. She put the gloves on and cleaned them with antiseptic wiped then put steri-strips and plasters on the cuts. Ali winced in pain. "All done, now we're going to your bedroom and talk about this."
"I'm fine." Ali looked at her hands.
"Any girl who takes a razor blade to her skin is not ok. Is there anything else you need to show me before I take my gloves off. Ali lowered her pyjama bottoms. Colette had to stop herself gasping. Red and angry on Ali's tiny thighs were words carved into her skin. FAT, UGLY, WASTE OF SPACE, SHIT, BRZYDKI, GRUBY.
"Oh Ali." Colette sighed. She could see that the cuts didn't need treatment. "Go up to your room, I'll get us a glass of water." Colette went down to the kitchen. Zosia was still staring blankly at the TV some kind of animal documentary on. Ollie followed her into the kitchen. "How is she?"
"Hurting, she's safe though. She'll be ok."

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