Part 73- much better

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Ali was doing really well. Back at day treatment and doing schoolwork and chatting with Babcia in the evenings. Zosia was back at work part time too. Doing mostly admin but back at work all the same. They were both still struggling with a little anxiety and a bit of depression but doing much better anyway. Klaudia was doing great too. Walking unaided and she had got a job in a small Polski Sklep not far from her flat, run by a family she met at mass. Zosia and Ollie had finished at the same time and picked Ali up from treatment on the way home. "Cześć Babcia." Ali called as they walked into the house. She was in the living room and asked them to sit down, in her normal style she didn't beat around the bush "I spoke to your Dziadek today, I've almost a month here. I need to go home soonly." She said in her broken English so Ollie could understand. Ali went over and hugged her grandmother she continued in Polish "but you must promise, that we will keep in touch, I would like for you, and your mama too Natalia, if you can all afford it, and get the time off, I'd like you to come to Poland for Easter." After Zosia translated for Ollie he smiled. "I think that will be ok." Ollie smiled. "I wish you didn't have to go home Babcia." Ali said with tears in her eyes. "I know Natalia, but we can keep in touch now I have my mobile phone. And you will come at Easter, it's only a few months away."
"We should throw you a leaving party." Ali said decisively in English before repeating the same in Polish. "Good idea." Ollie smiled. "We could invite my mama, Colette and Ela, maybe Agata,   Elsie, Dom, your dad even." Ali said looking at Zosia. Marta knew Elsie and Dom as they spent a lot of time at the house and she liked them. "Not my dad." Zosia said. "No." Babcia said looking at Zosia, who was unaware that Marta was even following the English conversion. "A party is good, bring Guy. I want robić postępy???" She was unsure of the English. "To get along with him." Ali provided.

Ali texted everyone and invited them to the party on Saturday night, Babcia was leaving on Sunday. They decided they were going to get pizza because they didn't want Marta to have to cook for her own party. Klaudia text back straight away. Natalia, it's a shame your Babcia is leaving but I understand why. I'm surprised your dziadek has survived without her. May I bring a male friend, he's lovely, you'll like him. Lots of love mama x
Ali was in her room when she revived the text. She was so angry. Why did her mother always do this. Just when things were going well for Klaudia she was going to let a man ruin it all over again. Every single time Klaudia would tell Ali how much she'd like her new 'friend' she never did. There was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in." Zosia came in. "Night snack." She said coming to sit on Ali's bed and handing her a bowl of fruit salad and keeping one for herself. Since being back at work Zosia was so much better. Almost back to her old self and Ali loved it, it felt like she had her cousin back. "Anyone got back to you about Babcia's party?" She asked. "Mama." Ali said sadly. "Hey," Zosia noticed the sadness in her voice "what's up?"
"She wants to bring a 'male friend'" Ali said putting her spoon in her bowl and making inverted commas with her fingers. Zosia was fully aware of why this would upset Ali, after the years of neglect from Klaudia because she'd been more interested in her boyfriends than her daughter. But tried to be positive. "It might be different this time, and even if it's not. You live here now."
"I know" Ali sighed "but I hate to see her mess up her life again. I love her."
"I know you do." Zosia smiled and put her arm round Ali as she continued to eat her fruit. They continued to chat about party ideas. They only had 3 days to pull it off.

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