Chapter 88- I wish Ania was here to see this

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"Jesus, thank you for giving your life to save us,  for giving us this food we are about to eat and that so much of our family are here to celebrate with us. Amen" Babcia said.
"Amen" the rest of the family murmured.
Everyone started to load the plate with the Easter lamb roast dinner, Ali included. Zosia looked at Ali as she put the food onto her plate, hands shaking. Hearing about Oliwia's death gave Ali a kick up the bum to eat, so she decided to herself she would eat with the family rather than afterwards. The food was on the plate in front of Ali and she could see all the family stealing looks at her trying not to make it obvious, all except Kasia who was blissfully ignorant, thoroughly excited, and completely enjoying the dinner. "Babcia mniam mniam" yummy yummy Kasia said excitedly. The food sat on the plate in front of Ali but she was so terrified to eat it. "Natalia, możesz to zrobić" you can do this Zosia whispered to Ali in polish. "Wszyscy tak bardzo cię kochamy." We all love you so much Babcia smiled at her quietly. "You've got this girl." Ollie smiled.  Ali took the tiniest piece of carrot carefully on her fork and slowly lifted it to her mouth. As she chewed the voices in her head started to shout at her 'look at your family, they all think you're faking.' 'You're so fat' 'don't you dare eat any more'
But Ali was being strong, with the support of her family she kept eating. "Dobra rabota," well done Ola mouthed at Ali "tak tryzmaj" keep going her mother smiled. So she continued to eat. Even when the tears spilled from her eyes. "Why are you sad?" Kasia asked in Polish, looking concernedly at Ali.
"I'm not," Ali smiled down at her "I'm just happy that we're all together but just a little bit sad that Ciocia Ania isn't here."
"Oh ok, don't be sad because she is probably eating dinner with Jesus in heaven. They might be having lamb too."Kasia smiled. Ali smiled at her naive Christianity. She wasn't sure what she believed in and wasn't really upset about her aunt but she liked the thought of her aunt eating lamb with Jesus. The voices kept shouting at Ali in her head but despite the tears she cleared her plate.
Ollie looked at Ali and mouthed 'now' they had a special plan! Ali nodded and Ollie stood up. "I have something I need to say," he said in English and Ali translated for Kasia, Babcia and Dziedek's benefit. Zosia looked at him confused. Ollie looked at Ali again she nodded at him so he said "Zosia. I really love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He put his hand in his pocket and got down on one knee and said in Polish "Zosia wyjdziesz za mnie?" will you marry me. "You don't need to do this because of the ba.." she whispered but was interrupted. "It's not I wanted to do it at Christmas but didn't because of everything." He replied quietly.
"Mowi Tak!' Say Yes Kasia called.
"Tak, yes of course oczywiście." She said and kissed him and everyone cheered.
"Wszystkiego najlepszego"
He slid a beautiful white gold ring with an emerald on it surrounded by tiny diamonds on to her finger.
"Wait." Zosia said in Polish "there's something else too. I love that there are so many of us all together, next easter, or even Christmas for that matter. There will be another one of us. Named either Adam, Adaś or Hanna, Hania I'm pregnant!"
Everyone shouted their congratulations once again. Zosia looked over at Babcia who had tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you." She said in Polish. "I can't wait to meet my first great grandchild. And I love Hania, a fitting tribute to Ania if it's a girl."
"That's what we though," Zosia said we wanted to fit Ania in and Penny too since Ollie had a sister who was killed so we wanted to fit both those names in if it's a girl. And we just liked Adam, it works in both languages and the middle name would be Arthur after my friend." Zosia smiled.
Dizedek smiled he was a man of few words but when he spoke everyone listened. "I wish your mother was here to see this, my father was named Adam. It's a strong name for a boy. Zosia as a family we are so very proud of everything you have done being a doctor but more for the kind and strong woman you are, more and more like your mother everyday."
Zosia went over and hugged him most of the family had tears in their eyes. Josef noticed this. "You ladies have made such a wonderful meal, it was truly delicious, please let me and Piotr clear away." The men cleared away "you've got a good one there" Ola whispered to Klaudia.
The rest of the day was filled with so much joy. Even for Ali who managed to keep her food down. They played charades, despite the language barrier. Put some music on and danced. Looking at Lukaz and Kasia it seems Polish children have mastered the floss too. And they just enjoyed being in the company and all the love in the room.

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