Chapter 41- shes awake

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The routine of day treatment then going to Gloucester for the evening continued. Zosia, Ollie and Ali were all exhausted. It was Friday and Ali didn't have any day treatment and Zosia had no shifts at the weekend. Ollie had a shift Saturday night but was driving down to Gloucester. They had been sleeping a little in Guys flat which was very close to the hospital.

As they were driving down Guy rang Zosia "Hi Dad............oh that's amazing" Zosia turned to Ali "your mamas awake!" Ali's whole face lit up into a massive smile. "Really, is she okay, does she have brain damage?"
"Dad says she's talking coherently in Polish." Zosia replied. "Great news! " smiled Ollie, "Although, "Ollie continued "that means there is another person who will be speaking a language that I don't understand." Zosia and Ali giggled.

When they got to the hospital Ali ran up to her mama. "Mama" Ali sobbed. "Przepraszam, że nigdy nie powinienem zostawił" I'm sorry, I never should have left. Ali hugged her mother, Zosia and Ollie stayed back. They didn't want to invade this sweet mother and daughter moment. "Natalia kochanie, kocham Cię, Kocham cię tak bardzo." Natalia darling I love you, I love you so much. Klaudia was crying too. After a minute or so Zosia stepped in and said in Polish. "auntie Klaudia how are you feeling? It's so good to see you after so long!"
"Zosia" her aunt smiled and they hugged too. Ali looked over at Ollie who was stood by the door looking uncomfortable so she said in Polish "mama, this is Zosia's boyfriend Ollie,"
"Ali! What did you just say about me I heard my name?" Ali laughed and continued in Polish "he doesn't understand any Polish."
"Hello Ollie." Kaludia smiled in heavily accented English. Ollie smiled, he wasn't really expecting her accent to be so strong, especially since Zosia had no accent as she had grown up in the UK and Ali's accent was hardly noticeable except when she was tired or anxious. Guy came in along with Klaudia's neurologist. He started a neuro exam
"Where arę you?"
"Gloucester royal hospital"
"What's the date?"
"2nd November" Klaudia answered so the neurologist continued to question her.

"So how's school?" Klaudia asked Ali. Ali looked at Zosia, who nodded, "I did really well in my GCSE's" she told her mother her results. "But I'm not in school at the moment....I'm not well" Ali said slowly "I have anorexia" she looked at the floor. Klaudia had tears in her eyes as she looked at her daughter, she thought about when they both lived with Ricky... how had she not noticed. There was an awkward silence which Zosia broke "So 2nd November...not too long until Christmas. Klaudia, Natalia, What do you thing should we introduce Ollie to Wigilia?"  Klaudia smiled. Yes....just like my Babcia and my mama- and your mama Zosh  used to." Klaudia smiled. "Urm sorry what's vig-gay-li-a?" Ollie asked
"Wigilia, Polish Christmas... well Christmas's a big celebration..we have a big not red meat. Give gifts and after we sometimes go to mass. There's all sorts of traditions." Ali explained to Ollie.
"Sounds good," Ollie smiled.
"I can cook!" Klaudia said.
"She's good" Zosia smiled. They spoke a little more about Wigilia but Ali was much more quiet and reserved than usual. Ollie noticed but Zosia and Klaudia didn't.
2 police officers came in "I'm Police Constable Barlow and this is WPC Allinson. We're here to take a statement for Klaudia. Can we speak to her alone?" The police officers smiled at Ollie. "Zosia's, why don't you go and find your dad and Ali and I will go and get some dinner.ok?" "See you later Klaudia." Zosia smiled and walked out of the room. "Love you Mama" Ali kissed her mothers cheek. She walked towards Ollie who put his arm around her. Klaudia smiled  at how much Zosia and Ollie were looking after her little Ali, she suddenly looked away. They were probably looking after her better than she-her mother-ever had.
Ollie took Ali down to the little Cafeteria on the third floor of Gloucester royal hospital. Ollie chose a lasagne and Ali chose some pasta in a cheesey sauce. "Al, your worried about that Polish Christmas thing - Wigala or whatever it's called aren't you?" Ollie asked Ali. "I guess, it just always has been all about food... 12 dishes, that's just kind of scary to me."
"I get that...well I don't but I can understand why you might feel like that. When I was younger we always had a huge meal at easter, and I told you about Penny and her eating disorder right?" Ali nodded. "Well we still had the meal but we talked more about the other stuff, an ester egg hunt with out neighbours, decorating eggs. We made eater about those things instead of the meal. What are the Polish Christmas traditions that don't involve food?" Oli asked. "Well we have Mikolaj- that's like Santa and he brings Polish kids presents in their shoes on December 6th, I don't know why, it's just a normal working day but that's santa. On Christmas Eve the youngest child look out for gwiazdka-the Christmas star, and then the celebrations begin. The child puts the star in the tree then we have the meal. Then we exchange presents and sing carols and go to mass. Then we sleep and gwiazdor- star man visits children. He gives them presents but also a birch stick we call it rózga and if they are not good he will beat them with it! Gwiazdor used to terrify me!" Ali giggles. Ollie put his fork down and looked at Ali. "So miss Natalia, tell me, would it be acceptable for a man to propose to his Polish girlfriend on Christmas Eve!" A huge smile spread over Ali's face. "You're gonna propose to Zosia?!?" She asked.
"Well, i was planning to propose at Christmas, but I thought it would be nice to do it on Christmas Eve?!"
"Great idea" Ali smiled "and don't worry I won't tell!"

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