Part 78-positive

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Zosia was late. Only by a week but her cycle was usually regular as clockwork. She couldn't be pregnant could she? She took the pill. She tried to remember if she has taken one everyday. She couldn't be sure. She was checking Ali's legs, hips and stomach and it was like a stab in her heart every time she saw all the old scars. Thankfully there hadn't been any new ones in a while. She took her lithium in the morning and the pill at night so there was a possibility to miss one between packs. Zosia decided she'd take a test at work. They were always readily available.

Positive-Zosia looked at the two blue lines and didn't know how to feel. She'd had an abortion before and it had nearly wrecked her and Ollie's relationship. She sent him a text 'pulses 5 mins plz. Zx.' She got an immediate reply 'u ok? Meet you down there now O x' She told one of the nurses she was going on her break and went to meet her boyfriend at the cafe. Although they both worked on the same ward Ollie had been called to paediatrics for most of the day so she hadn't seen him much. "Hey." She said as she came to sit at a table with him. "Hey, is everything ok Zosh?"
"I think I'm pregnant."
"Ok," Ollie said calmly, "I thought you were on the pill."
"I think I might have missed some"
"have you done a test?" Ollie asked.
Zosia produced it from the pocket of her scrubs.
"Right." Ollie said evidently shocked "urm what do you want to do?"
"I don't know." Zosia replied "after what happened last time..."she trailed off. She'd had an abortion without telling Ollie. "I kind of want a baby, but things are good right now and I don't want to mess everything up." She looked down Ollie took her hands. "Zosia, you wont mess everything up. I'm happy to do whatever you want, honestly I am but if it was 100% up to me I'd love a baby."
"I was thinking how much we all love Ela, Ali especially, I think I'd like a baby."
"Really? Are you sure." Ollie checked
"Yes." Zosia smiled decisively
"You're going to be a brilliant mum," he told her. "And you'll be the best dad."

Ali had had a hard day at day treatment she was missing Elise, even though it had been just over a week and they either texted constantly or face timed every day. She didn't like the new girl Immy either. She seemed rude and standoffish, when talking to Elsie she nicknamed her 'Imo the Emo.' Monika from day treatment had dropped Ali home and she was sat at the kitchen table, books out writing a Polish essay, when Zosia and Ollie got home. "Hey Kochanie, can you put your books away and come into the living room. We need to talk to you."
"Sounds" She rolled her eyes annoyed at herself because she couldn't remember the English word "ominous." She smiled "that's the word I was looking for. My brain is in Polish mode. I was writing an essay."
She came in and sat on the sofa opposite Zosia and Ollie. "Natalia. I'm pregnant!" Zosia smiled . "Oh Gratulacje congratulations, Zosia this is great news. Is it a boy or a girl. Are you going to give it a Polish name?" Ali jumped up and kissed her cousins cheek and hugged Ollie. "Wow Nattie." Ollie said "we only found out today slow down!"
Ali sat down. "Do you want me to move back in with Mama? I don't mind. We're both doing better now. And she has Josef who I like, although they're not living together."
"Are you kidding!?!" Zosia laughed, "he or she will need her ciocia Natalia , or Aunt Ali if you'd prefer. you're so fantastic with little ones, all of our friends kids love you. Ela especially. And I'm sure our Little one will love you too!"
This caused Ali to smile. "Like I said though, do not tell anyone yet, you're not meant to tell people until 12 weeks." Ollie reminded her
"When will that be?" Asked Ali
"Just before Easter I think." Zosia mused.
"That's great, we can tell everyone when we're in Poland, they'll be so excited! I'm already excited." Smiled Ali

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