Part 26-Meal with Guy

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When they got home Ali went straight upstairs to change from her school uniform into a cute dress she had got just after her birthday. It was long and wasn't fitted as Ali refused to wear fitted clothes but it still looked nice on her. She did a cute summery plait in the front of her hair. "You look nice" Zosia smiled as Ali came downstairs. "Thanks you too" Ali mumbled looking at the floor. "I know that you're scared Natalia," Zosia put her arm around her cousin "but you know what we decided with Jane, so long as you have a starter you can have a kids meal."
"Can....can we look at the menu maybe?" Ali looked at Zosia. "Sure" Zosia smiled and got the menu up on her iPad. Jane the clinician at the eating disorder clinic had explained that Ali would find it less scary if she was allowed a kids meal and had seen the menu. "Its dads favourite restaurant and I usually have the Pasta or Risotto, Ollie's only been once and he had the lamb." Ollie walked into to the living room where Zosia and Ali were sat. "I'm thinking of having the steak or burger today," Ollie lent over and kissed Zosia and as he pulled away he lovingly put his hand on Ali's shoulder. He was really developing a soft spot for Ali and was beginning to feel like she was his cousin too. Zosia smiled. "Here's the starters, I might have the soup."
"Can I have the garlic bread?" Ali asked
"Sure, that sounds really nice" Zosia smiled. "And here's the kids menu"
"Can I have the chicken nuggets?" Ali asked
"Sounds good." Zosia answered.

"Hello Zoshie darling and Natalia" Guy said kissing both the girls on the cheek "Oliver." He said curtly and shook his hand. "Table for four please." They all sat down. The table was circular and Ali sat between Ollie and Zosia. Opposite her uncle. "How's Gloucester Royal hospital dad?" Zosia asked. "It's ok, same old same old really. I like locuming though. No one knows me or anything."
"Have you seen my mother?" Ali asked quietly "No" Guy replied "I did text her to let her know I was in Gloucester but she didn't reply. So I guess she doesn't want to know, you know we never got on that well"
"I haven't heard from her in a week or so either" Ali said flippantly
"So what are we having?" Guy asked after they had ordered drinks. Ali ordered water, every calorie counted to her. "Garlic Bread" she answerd without looking at the menu. If Guy noticed he didn't say anything. "I'll have the soup" Zosia smiled at Ali and put her hand comfortingly on Ali's leg. Trying not to show Guy. "I'll have the salad" Ollie said. Guy, Zosia and Ollie all said what they were having for mains "Natalia? Have you decided?" Guy asked. Ali looked at Zosia who nodded almost invisibly to Ali "I might have the kids chicken nuggets" she said almost inaudibly. "Natalia you're 16 you can't have a children's meal." Guy said quite meanly. "No it's ok" Zosia said "she wasn't well yesterday" then turned to Ali "You have whatever you want Hun." Zosia didn't want to explain Ali's eating disorder to Guy. He had a hard time understanding Zosia's bipolar disorder and Zosia knew that her father wouldn't understand and may say something unhelpful to Ali. Soon the waiter came over and they all ordered their food. The waiter wasn't shocked and didn't say anything about Ali ordering a children's meal. Zosia ordered Risotto, Ollie burger and Guy ordered Sea Bass. They all made polite conversation, talking about Ali's school and lessons. Surgeries that Zosia and Ollie had performed and what Guy had been up to locuming in Gloucester. And just general hospital gossip. Ollie and Guy never got on but we're trying to make small talk for Zosia's benefit. Although they were getting on better now Guy was working at a different hospital.
Their starters soon arrived. Zosia squeezed Ali's hand under the table. Despite taking tiny bites Ali finished all her garlic bread. After the waiter took their plates away Ali smiled and said very politely "may I be excused, I need to go to the toilet?" And went into the loos. She was the only one in there and she was leaning against the sinks trying to decide weather to throw up her food. Her eyes were filled with tears and she was scared. She heard the door to the loos open and turned so whoever came in couldn't see her tears. "Hey Natalia it's ok it's me" Ali turned round at the sound of her cousins voice. "Hey" Zosia smiled taking Ali's hands in hers "you're doing so well, I'm so proud of ate all of that garlic bread in public in a new environment in the middle of a restaurant. That's amazing, we usually sit in the hidden table at the back of pulses or in the staff room but here you are eating in the restaurant. I know that you're scared and it's hard. I can't imagine how you must be feeling but I promise, you're doing so so well. And as for the main course. You've got this. Me and Ollie are both cheering for you. Here" Zosia passed Ali a tissue "dry your eyes. You can do this remember"
Ali did really well and cleared the plate of her children's chicken nuggets. "Would you like he desert menu?" The waiter asked Guy took one and the waiter gave them to everyone else. "I'm going to have the cheese with a glass of port" Guy said. "I don't want any." Ali said
"You've hardly eaten Natalia" Guy answered. Zosia knew that this wasn't helpful for Ali so she butted in. "Natalia I'm not that hungry either. Why don't we share something, what do you fancy?"
"The chocolate brownie sounds good" Ali smiled. "Good"Zosia said "I'll order it with an extra spoon"
"I'm going to have the sorbet" Ollie smiled.
The déserts came and Ali only had a few tiny spoonfuls.
By the time they got home Ali was emotionally and physically exhausted. She got into bed then there was a knock on her door. "Hey" she said Ollie came in. "Hey Nattie' he said. Ollie was the only person who called Ali Nattie. "Hey Ol"
"I just wanted to say I'm really proud of you, you're fighting so hard, and today really showed me how well you're doing" Ollie smiled at her "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a Holby Rovers football game tomorrow with me. Zosh told me you used to go to the football in Poland with your....djajec?"
"Dziadek" Ali laughed "yeah my grandfather, I'd really like that."
Ollie continued "I was also wondering... and You can say no if you want to but me and Zosh have been invited out for a drink with some work collègues. Do you mind if we go, Colette says you can stay the night with her and Ela?"
"That's fine" Ali smiled "You go and have fun. I need to teach Col some more Polish song and would love to spend some time with Ela"
"Thank you Nattie, get some sleep"

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