Part 10

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Zosia ran out of the lift towards the toilets. When she open the door she was shocked at what she saw. Ali's bag on the floor, her phone flung across the floor. Ali herself with blood dripping from her arm, her face buried in Serena's chest her body heaving with sobs and visibly shaking. 'Oh Natalia' Zosha breathed running to her cousin and turning her around so her face was now in Zosias top. 'hej Natalia, jesteś w porządku, jestem tutaj teraz' Zosia whispered stroking her cousins hair. Hey Natalia, you're ok, I'm here now. 'What happened?' Zosia mouthed over her cousins head to Serena. Serena signalled that she didn't know but mouthed that she needed to avoid anymore blood loss. Serena picked up Ali's newly smashed phone and read the text and showed it to Zosia above Ali's head who was still sobbing into Zosia's top.

Natalia. I have proposed to your mother. We are very happy. We don't need you and we don't even want you! Find yourself another home because we don't need a time wasting leech like you spoiling our fun. If you come home  I WILL KILL YOU so stay away if you want to be safe. You evil, fat ugly child. You disgust me. Ricky

Zosia took a sharp intake of breath at the last line. 'Ali, I've seen the text and we can talk about that later but right now we need to look at your arm, ok?' Ali nodded almost invisibly. Bernie came in with a wheelchair and Zosia helped Ali into it.

They pulled the curtains around Ali's bed. Zosia held Ali's hand while Serena checked her arm. 'The cuts aren't too deep, no surgery needed or stitches, just steri strips and bandages. I'll just do that now. 'Do you think I'm crazy?' Ali whispered while looking into her lap. 'No kochaine' Zosia put her arm around Ali's shoulder being careful not to knock her bad arm that Serena was bandaging. 'I think that you are distressed, angry and sad. I think you might be ill. Mentally ill, weather or not you are you're not crazy, not crazy at all!' Zosia squeezed Ali's good hand. Serena finished bandaging Ali's arm and smiled at them both before going to meet a new patient coming out of the lift
'Mentally ill. Sick in the head. That Equals crazy' Ali sighed.
'Well' Zosia made eye contact with Ali 'that makes me crazy too!' Zosia smiled down at her cousin
'What?' Ali asked shocked
'I have bipolar disorder. I'm managing it at the moment with medication. And therapy from time to time. It helps. Honestly! We'll get a psychologist to come and talk to you. They can help you!'
'Please don't be mad with me' Ali's eyes brimmed with tears
'Of course not, I'm not loosing my little cousin again, whatever's going on, I won't be mad, that's a promise' Zosia hugged Ali tight ' I love you far too much for that!'

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