Chapter 72-pick up some snacks

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Ollie hadn't had the best day at work, he'd lost a patient which was never easy, it was expected and wasn't his fault. Cancer is so cruel. She was only 30 too, leaving a 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son.
He drove into rosehill car park and Ali came over "hey Ollie. Are you ok?" She asked as she climbed in the car
"I'm fine Nattie, just a bad day at work. I'll be fine, how was your day?"
"Good, fine." She answered
"I spoke to Ben earlier he suggested we go to the supermarket and let you pick up some snacks?" Ollie said over positively
Ali stayed silent
"Natalia?" Ollie asked
"I guess. I just haven't had choice in food for so long. I'm just a bit anxious." Ali said biting her lip. Ollie had never though that something as simple as a supermarket shop could be so anxiety inducing for the teenager. "I'll be ok though. " Ali reassured him.
"I have a shopping list from Marta you'll have to help me understand."
They got to the supermarket and Ollie got a small trolly.
"Chelb, I know that's bread!" He said and Ali nodded.
"Jajko. That's Apple." He knew full well it wasn't but hoped he'd make Ali smile with his rubbish Polish. It worked "No silly, jajko is egg jabłko is apple." Ollie went towards the eggs, across from the eggs in the fridges were some yoghurts. Ali picked some strawberry ones up. "They look good Natalia," Ollie smiled then looked at them fat free sugar free. He remembered Ben had said nothing fat free. He looked for some full fat yoghurt. He couldn't see a single one without 'low fat' or 'fat free' except for those made for children. He knew he'd have to go for those. "How about these?" He said showing Natalia a pack of six pots with cartoon animals on. "I know they're for kids but they contain a lot of calcium." He knew that Ali was aware of the risk of osteoporosis, she nodded and he put them in the trolly. "Anything else you fancy Natalia?" Ollie asked
"Well....Elsie mentioned urm naleśniki" Ali struggled for the English "flapjacks or granola bars." They found both flapjacks and granola bars and put them in the trolly whilst finishing off the shopping list. Ali also chose some biscuits and crisps. They payed and Ollie drove home. "Cześć!" Hi! Ali yelled as she stepped into the house "In the kitchen." Zosia answered and Ali walked in, as she did her eyes lit up "obwarzanek!" She smiled as She saw the large bagel like rings of bread on the kitchen table. "Salted, your favourite if I remember correctly?" Babcia asked in Polish.
"Yes absolutely!" Ali replied.
"Dinner first! Aga Is coming" Babcia said. "Oh yeah Ali, Miss Yates texted she's coming over tonight!" Zosia smiled as Ollie came in and kissed Her. "Those bagels look good!" He smiled at Marta. "They're Obwarzanek. Polish street food." Zosia told him
Just then the doorbell went and Zosia went to answer it. It was Agata Yates. Aga and Zosia came into the kitchen  "Hello Agata, Nice to meet you. Dinner is almost ready Kotlet Kurczaka, Chicken cutlets." Marta spoke in Polish while getting the plates out as Ali was setting the table and getting everyone a glass of water. Marta showed Ollie Ali's plate. A chicken cutlet, mashed potato and vegetables. He nodded. Ollie was the 'responsable adult' who was in charge of Ali's meal plans. Soon they were all tucking into their meals. "Urm pushney???" Ollie asked. "If you're trying to say pyszne (delicious) then dziękuję (thank you)!" Zosia laughed. "As if you made these!" Ollie scoffed
"I did honestly!" She said Ollie turned to Marta and said in English "who cooked the chicken?"
"Zosia did chicken I did obwarzanek"
"My grandmother wouldn't lie." Zosia laughed "she'll make a perfect polish housewife out of me yet."
"My mama is always trying to teach me Polish recipies too. I do love Kotlet Kurczaka though, these especially." Aga smiled
"Family recipe." Zosia replied
The rest of the meal went down in a lot of laughter and translation even Ali was joining in and the empty plates said it all.
They had an hour or so chatting. Zosia seemed super happy because whenever anyone from the hospital came round they walked on eggshells and were all concerned asking how she was. Agata was different, they were talking in a mixture of Polish and English, reminiscing, generally chatting and laughing loudly. "Obwarzanek?" Babcia asked a few hours later. "You need to have one Natalia." Ollie said and passed one to her. "Ooh Tak proszę" Aga said and Marta gave her one. "We don't have these in Warszawa, they're very much a Krakow thing. I love them though." She smiled. Ali ate hers quickly. She looked at Ollie "may I have another?" She asked. Zosia looked over at him and they shared a look. "Of course."

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