Part 22 Colette-two weeks later

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So so so sorry this took so long
The orphanage was creepy. There was a slide and swings in the playground with no children around. The swing moved slowly in the wind. Despite her close friendship with Zosia and Guy she'd never actually been to Poland before. It was different to how she imagined but all Colette cared about was the little girl who was about to become her daughter. Colette stepped into the reception 'cześć. Jestem Colette Sheward.' Colette tried her best Polish on the receptionist. 'Miss Sheward, hello' the receptionist said in a strong Polish accent 'up the stairs is Ela' Colette wanted to cry, Ela, her daughter would be in her arms soon. She had been sent only a few photos of a tiny, fair skinned, blond haired, green eyed 3 and a half year old. The receptionist led Colette into a large room filled with cots. Sometimes two or three children per cot. She was led through this room while her heart broke for this place her daughter had lived for all of her short life. In the next room Ela was sat on the couch with a member of staff from the orphanage. Not crying but also not smiling. Colette's eyes filled with tears, she'd gone through so much to adopt this baby, she'd waited a year for today. She remembers when she'd first read Ela's file. She is below average intelligence for her age, although this is due to institutionalisation rather than any disabilities, she is a happy child with no known Heath problems or disabilities although small for her age She'd read all the books and knew not to pick up cuddle or kiss Ela straight away. She went up to Ela and bent to her eye level. 'Cześć Ela,' Ela made eye contact with Colette. Who reached into her bad and gave Ela a small football. Ela smiled 'dziękuję' she said in her tiny little girl voice.
After 10 minutes Ela and Colette were happily rolling the ball to each other. Ela stopped looked up and got to her feet and toddled over to Colette and gave her a hug. This time Colette couldn't help the tears falling down her face. 'Jestem twoją matka, twoja mama' I'm your mother, your mama Colette picked Ela up. She finally had her daughter in her arms. Only one week getting all the legalities sorted and Ela would be a British citizen and Colette would be on her way home. To holby. 'Kocham cię Ela' I love you Ela.

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