Chapter 29

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All of a sudden everything started to happen. Ela started to cry. Colette went to pick her up as Ollie ran over to Ali.  Zosia still stood rooted to the spot. "We've got to get her to the hospital" Ollie looked at Zosia. "Zosia," she looked up "we have to get Ali to the hospital. I'll drive it'll be quicker than waiting for an ambulance." Ollie picked Ali up.
"I'll drop Ela off at my sisters, then come and meet you at the hospital. It shouldn't take longer than half an hour" Colette hugged Zosia. "She'll be okay, Zosh!"
Ollie placed Ali in the backseat of the car. Zosia sat behind her and held her hand. Ollie started to drive towards the hospital. He was scared for Ali and he was scared for Zosia. He could hear her quietly crying. He tried to get Zosia into her doctor role to if it would calm her down.  "Zosh, why don't you measure her pulse?" Ollie asked. Zosia did so "she's severely bradycardic" Zosia said worriedly and started to cry again.
Soon they were at the hospital. Ollie picked up Ali and carried her into Wyvern reception. He didn't want her waiting in the ED. As he ran into the reception he saw Jac Naylor who was meant to meet Zosia and Ollie for a drink. "Jac!" Ollie shouted and Jac looked around "it's Natalia" Jac rushed over to Zosia who was stood by Ollie who had Ali in his arms. "She's bradycardic" Zosia whispered.
"Take her up to Darwin" Jac pressed the button to call the lift. "She should be on AAU for now, I think it's a complication from her anorexia." Ollie said. "I know," Jac said bluntly "my ward my rules and it's not busy today." She leaned to Ollie and whispered "and I want to keep an eye on Zosia" the lift came and they all went up to Darwin and put Ali in the side room. Zosia sat in the seat by the bed while a nurse took some blood from Ali. Ollie and Jac were stood outside. "What happened?" Asked Jac
"We're not 100% sure she was at Colette's. Zosia was at home and I was out and she went to Ali's room to try and find a dress to wear tonight and found all this hidden food. We
decided to go to Colette's and talk to her but when we got there she was unconscious."
"And Zosia" Jac asked
"Well she's really upset about it, obviously! But she's doing so well at the moment. I'm hoping that she'll be ok, I'm keeping an eye on her, So is Colette and I'll talk to Dom as well."
"Good. I'll keep an eye on Zosh too. Have you spoken to Natalia's treatment team?" Jac asked
"It's a Saturday evening! I thought that Rosehill would be closed at the weekend" Ollie said.
"Cześć Natalia kochanie" they could hear Zosia behind the curtain. "I'll call the duty psych, You sit with them and leave a message with Natalia's clinician" Jac said to Ollie then went over to the phones. Ollie stepped into the curtain. Ali was beginning to wake up and Zosia was speaking to her softly in Polish. "Hey" Ollie said softly and Zosia looked up at him, her face was tear stained. She looked so lost. Her nice makeup for a night out ruined with tears and dressed quickly  in her scruffy trackies and big hoodie. Ollie kissed the top of her head. Ali's eyelids flickered open "Hi Nattie" Ollie said softly placing his hand on hers "You gave us a scare then sweetie"
"What happened?" Ali asked obviously shocked to have woken up in the hospital. Zosia started to cry so Ollie explained. "Look Nattie," Ollie started then took a deep breath "Zosh found some food in your room, so we decided to come to Colette's to have a chat but when we got there you'd collapsed so we took you here and Jac said to bring you to Darwin because you're heart beat is quite slow. It's ok though, you'll be ok!" Ali started to cry "I'm so sorry... about all the food" she sobbed "I just can't eat. I can't describe it. And it won't let me tell you, or anyone."
"Oh Kochanie" Zosia sobbed and bent to hug Ali and they just stayed there for a few seconds crying and holding each other.
"It's ok," Ollie soothed "we just need to get you more help, Jac is ringing the duty psych and I'm going to leave a message with Jane from Rosehill. And it will be ok."
"Ollie" Jac had stepped into the little curtained bed. She motioned with her head that she wanted to talk to him outside. "I'll be right back" he soothed. Zosia was still holding Ali and they were both crying.
"Ok so the duty psych is dr Palmer and she's on her way. And..." Jac hesitated, which was very unlike her "if it's OK with you me and Mo think we should contact Zosia's psych, just to let them know"
Ollie sighed "Ok, but if she's asks I'm telling Zosh it was your decision"
"Ollie. Is she ok?" Suddenly Collette burst onto the ward. "I went to the ED and AAU"
"She's in there with zosh. I'm so sorry Col, we should have texted" Ollie apologised.
"It ok," Colette smiled "you've got enough on your plate, can I go see them?" Ollie smiled au her and nodded. Then looked back ah Jac "are her bloods back?"
"Not yet, I'll get labs to hurry up"
"Ok Thanks," Ollie replied. "I'll leave a message with the clinic." He got his phone out and rang the number which Zosia had made him save onto his phone in case of emergencies. He was shocked when someone picked up. "Hello, Rosehill eating disorders clinic!" A cherry male voice said "Oh hi, I wasn't expecting anyone to pick up at this time on a Saturday" Ollie replied . "We hold support groups at the weekend. Today was sibling support. I was just
Packing up when the phone rang. I'm Ben, a specialist clinician for eating disorders in adolescents and therefore run the adolescent sibling support group. Can I help?"
"I am ringing on Behalf of Natalia M. I'm her cousins boyfriend Oliver Valentine"
"Ok. Mr Valentine, let me find her file" Ben replied
"Please call me Ollie"
"Ok. Ollie. Got it! What's been going on?"
"Earlier today Zosia..that's my girlfriend, Natalia's cousin.... found lots of food that Natalia has been hiding in her bedroom...we went to talk to Natalia...she was staying with a family friend for the night... by the time we got there she'd collapsed.. we've brought her to Holby City. Zosia and I work there. She's slightly brachycardic but we've not got her bloods back yet.
Ollie listened to and replied to Bens questions
"yes she's conscious now."
"Very upset"
"No she didn't complain of feeling feint"
"We just went to the football, watching it"
"The psychiatrist on duty is on her way"
"Jane is her usual clinician I think"
"Yes She'll probably stay in the hospital overnight I'd expect"
"Thank you Ollie, now listen. I think the best way we can offer support to Natalia is day treatment. It's an intensive programme here at Rosehill on every weekday. She'd have to come out of sixth form and come in everyday. It's a group therapy NHS approach. Don't say anything to her yet. I'll have to check weather there is space but I think there is. How does that sound?"
"Ok I guess" Ollie replied slightly overwhelmed with that amount of information.
"Look, either myself, Jane or another clinician will be in touch tomorrow. To talk to you, the duty psychiatrist Zosia and Natalia. It says here  Zosia has bipolar disorder?"
"That's right"
"Ok How's Zosia?"
"Very upset. I'm not sure how she's handling all this"
"Have You spoken to her psychiatrist?" Ben asked
"My collègue is doing it now"
"Ok all I can say is try to keep everyone calm. Do whatever you would normally to medically treat Natalia. Let the duty psych talk to her but not for long and make sure she gets lots of rest and make sure Zosia can rest too. I'll talk to you tomorrow Oliver, look after yourself!" Ben hung up. Ollie took a deep breath. He wanted to scream and cry but knew he had to stay strong for the girls.

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