Part 92. Ready?

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In a few short weeks Ali's exams were over. She felt cautiously confident about the results and was proud of herself for coping. But now they were over it was time for her to start back at school. She couldn't sleep at all the night before. She was still awake when Zosia came in from her shift at 2am. Ali came downstairs to see Zosia and they sat on the sofa with a cup of tea chatting for an hour, but by 3am Zosia was almost falling asleep so they both went and tried to sleep.
Zosia woke up to make Ali breakfast before school. Ali was dressed and almost ready while Zosia made toast in her maternity pyjamas, although she was carrying well she was almost 5 months pregnant and starting to show. Ollie was on the early shift. The doorbell went and they looked at each other, they weren't expecting anyone. Ali went and answered the door "Agata! Sorry Mrs Yates. Hi."
"Hi Ali. I thought I'd drop by. See how you were doing and offer to take you to school, it's looking for rain!"
Zosia came to the door "Hey, Aggie, sorry i look a mess, I was on the late shift. Come in, Ali has to have her breakfast."
They were all sat at the kitchen table. "How are you feeling Ali?"
"I'm just worried everyone will want to know what's happened."
"You don't have to tell them."
"But they'll ask. People love gossip."
"You can just say you were ill and you don't want to talk about it...obviously you'll be in my form I was going to ask you what you wanted me to tell people. I was going to say something along the lines off "Some of you will remember Ali. She has been unwell and had to take some time off school but she's back with us now." She looked at Ali "you're right people will want to know something. Ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do piekła, (curiosity is the first step to hell)as my mama would say" Agata smiled
"Our Babcia likes that one too." Zosia smiled. Ali was eating her toast slowly, chewing for so long before swallowing, it felt like chewing cardboard. She was struggling with the anxiety of going back to school.
"You okay Ali?" Zosia asked. Ali looked up at her not saying anything. "You know I can't let you go without finishing it." Zosia smiled. Ali took a few more bites chewing it and washing it down with water. Once she finished Zosia planted a kiss on Ali's head. "Dobra robota Kochana" (well done darling) Zosia smiled. "Look Natalia," Agata said "Zosh and I have been talking about lunch. And it's up to you, you can come and eat in my classroom with me,"
"Or I can drive and you can eat in the car with me some days or Ollie or maybe come to the hospital when where both on shift. Obviously eating with Agata would be easier but if you don't feel comfortable then."
"Eating with Aga is fine..if that's okay." Ali looked up at them both.
"Of course." Agata smiled "I'm afraid in class you'll have to call me 'Miss.' but if you're struggling or just want a chat I'll be around as your friend 'Agata.' If I'm teaching wait in the language office or knock on the door of the classroom. Ali stood up and put her blazer on. Zosia passed Ali her rucksack. "Your lunch is in there, powodzenia kochana (good luck darling)"
"Ready?" Agata looked at Ali.
Ali nodded "let's go!"

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