Chapter 47-aren't you being efficient

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Ollie woke up and felt the cold space in the bed next to him. "Zosia?" He called. He went downstairs and found her note. He looked around. The kitchen was a complete mess. There was some kind of purple soup in a dish, it didn't look too appetising. He smiled to himself, Zosia's cooking skills left a lot to be desired. Sandwiches and omelettes were about her limit. All though she did do an amazing cheese on toast. Ollie didn't mind though he loved cooking. He cleared up the kitchen a bit then went and got ready for work. He woke Ali up with a banana and cup of tea. "Remember me and Zosh have to work today. Are you meeting us at the hospital at all?." Ollie smiled
"didn't Zosia say? I'm meeting Elsie today. Zosh was going to drop me off. Where is she?" Ali asked.
"She's gone for a run, I'll drop you at Elsie's don't worry, what have you got planned a girlie day in?"
"Well kind of. We're spending the morning at hers then after lunch her mums going to drop us into town. We're going to get some Christmas shopping done."
"It's not even December yet!" Ollie laughed
"It's like what Colette says... one of those English phrases. About a bird and a worm?"Ali looked confused. Despite living in England for years some sayings still confused her. "The early bird catches the worm?" Ollie suggested.
"Yeah that's the one, the early bird catches the worm."

Ollie stopped the car outside Elsie's house. "Have fun, he told her then pressed 2 £20 notes into her hand. "What are thèse for?" She asked him. "You're going shopping, you've been so fab these last few weeks, you deserve a treat." Ollie looked at her. "Thanks" she smiled and gave him a hug "you're the best cousins boyfriend ever" she turned to him. "Is it okay, if I just call you my cousin. I know you're not technically my cousin but it feels like you are."
"I'd love to be your cousin." He smiled at her and hugged her back. He was so happy that Ali saw him as family.

"Dr March, you're early!" Ms Naylor, Zosia's boss said emotionlessly. "It's not a crime is it. To be focusing on my career."
"Not at all."
"So what can I do?" Zosia asked.
"Urm well since it's so early just paperwork." Her boss looked at Zosia
"Great" Zosia smiled.

Ali loved spending time at Elsie's house. It was like the loving, steady family home she never had. Paintings from school on the fridge, those cringey family photo shoot photos everywhere. A mum who baked and wore an apron and a Dad with a shed who did DIY. A dog and 4 daughters. "Ali hello," Caroline, Elsie's mum smiled. "Hello Caroline," Ali smiled. Elsie came running down the stairs. "Aliii" she smiled "I'm about to take Molly the dog for a walk. I've spoken to the clinicians about it and they say so long as it's less than a mile it doesn't need exercise clearance" Elsie called Molly the golden Labrador and clipped a lead to her collar. "Can I borrow Florrie's hat and scarf again?" Ali asked. Elsie gave them to her. "You know, when we go shopping later. You need to get yourself a hat and scarf, and gloves. I would get them you for Christmas but you need some now." They had a lovely time walking the dog. Elsie lived at the back of a large housing estate but there was a lovely field behind her house where they took the dog. They were throwing a tennis ball and chatting while Molly brought them back. "Is it weird, not having a dad?" Elsie asked Ali. "Not really." Ali replied "I mean I never actually had a dad. I've never really liked any of my mamas boyfriends and so I guess I don't really know what I'm missing." They chatted a little more about family. "Do You have anything planned for Christmas yet?" Elsie asked which made Ali smile "yes, we are having a Polish Wigilia- it a big celebration on Christmas Eve, we often celebrate that more than Christmas Day itself! We have a big meal which I'm kind of nervous about but I can help cook so I know exactly what goes into the food and we do presents and cards and sing carols. If I was at home-I mean in Poland." Ali still referred to Poland as home despite living in England for many years and having only been back once. "Then we would go to midnight mass after, but we decided against that."
"what kind of things do you eat?" Elsie asked "we have a big roast dinner that I'm so nervous about!"
"We will have a roast on Christmas Day. But not on Wigilia, no meat then, we have 12 dishes but the main one is carp traditionally. I don't know what Mama and Zosia are planning though. What about you"
"We go to Gran and Grandpa's. Every year. I've never had Christmas at home. They live in Yorkshire. We watch a movie on Christmas Eve. Rose will probably demand its frozen, again." They both laughed "then we do pyjamas. We always get new pyjamas on Christmas Eve. Put Gin and mince pies out for Father Christmas and a carrot for Rudolph because Rose still believes in all that stuff. It's always a bit of a squish. I usually sleep in a room with Florrie, Megsie and Rose. The next morning we do presents and then the cousins come round and we go for a walk while mum, Gran, Aunty Gill, and Aunty Pauline make dinner. It's always wonderful. My favourite time of year!" They smiled as Molly the dog returned.

"Done." Zosia looked at her boss. "Already, well aren't you being efficient today Doctor March. Nadine Vilone bay 5, a bit of an enigma." Jac handed Zosia the notes. Ollie arrived at the hospital, he was working on the AAU ward now. He texted Zosia dropped Ali at Elsie's, meet for lunch in the Canteen? 1pm? Love you. Zosia saw the text and smiled.

Ali struggled a little with lunch at Elsie's. Eating in front of her family was hard but with the quiet support of Elsie, squeezing her hand when needed and giving her supportive smiles. They had a Sunday roast beef but Elsie's family knew not to stare at her and the talk at the table wasn't about food at all. She managed.

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