Chapter 31 the next morning

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Zosia woke and looked at her phone 8.30am. She has slept since half past midnight. Was Ali ok. Why had nobody woke her. She got out of bed in the on call room. She realised that Ollie must have been in the room for a while. She could smell his aftershave. She was still in her old leggings Ollie popped his head round the door. "Oh hey Zosh, you're up." He smiled "don't worry Natalia is still asleep, she's been fine all night. Still bradycardic but no worse than last night."
"I'm working today but Jac's got me on light duties. No surgery but she doesn't want you working. Colette is sat with Natalia, why don't you have a shower and get changed. You have spare clothes in your locker right?" Ollie asked.
"Yeah, and Ollie, thanks." Zosia smiled.
"For what?"
"Allowing me to sleep. Helping with Natalia. Looking after us both"
"Don't be silly Zosh, I love you both." Ollie smiled kissing Zosia gently on the lips.
Zosia felt much better after having a shower. She had a pair of skinny jeans and a nice top and cardi in her locker. She'd washed last nights make up off her face and put just a bit of eyeliner and mascara on. She tied up her hair into a ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror on the inside of the door on her locker. She whispered her mantra which helped her control her bipolar to herself "and this too shall pass!"
Zosia went to see Ali who was still asleep. Colette was sat with her. "Thanks Colette, for staying with her I mean" Zosia smiled
"You're welcome Zosh, did you sleep well? You look much better" Colette asked
"Yeah I slept well thanks, why don't you go home and get some sleep.You must be tired!" Zosia looked at Colette who laughed.
"Zosh, I'm a nurse with a 3 year old who doesn't sleep for more than 3 hours without crying out! Sleep is a foreign concept for me! I'm fine. Honestly! I'm helping on Darwin today. Shift starts in half an hour"
Colette went to get ready for her shift. The thought of the previous night started to creep back into Zosia's head- you're worthless-you're just a hinderance- you're letting your mama down. "And this too shall pass...and this too shall pass" Zosia whispered to herself. Ali's heart rate rose very slightly and her eyelids began to flicker so Zosia knew she was waking up. "Hey, Cześć kochaine. Good morning. How are you feeling" Zosia said softly and stroked Ali's hand. "Do you remember what happened last night? Why you're here?" Zosia asked her cousin. "Bits," Ali said softly. "Ok" Zosia smiled "we don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to, but we will have to later ok?"
"Ok" Ali answered. They chatted a little about silly little things. TV shows and looking in the fashion magasine that Colette had brought for Ali. After about 20 Minutes Dom came in he was Zosia's best friend and a doctor on another ward. He kissed Zosia's head softly. He did this often and Ollie didn't mind as he knew Dom was gay. Dom also kissed Ali's forehead. Ollie popped his head in "Zosh can I borrow you for a minute" Zosia kissed Ali's forehead aswell then smiled at her little cousin "I'll be back soon kochaine" Dom looked down at Ali "hey, Ali, when you get out of here how about we go watch a movie at the cinema. I'm dyeing to see that new beauty and the beast?"
"Sounds good" Ali answered "but there's no way it will be as good as the original. Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney film!"

Ben from the eating disorders service introduced himself to Zosia and Ollie, and they all sat in the staff room.  Mo was making herself a cup of tea and made some for Ben, Zosia and Ollie too. "I'll leave you to it" Mo smiled. "I'll page you if anything changes with Ali but I'm sure she'll be fine"
"Dr March" Ben started
" me Zosia" Zosia smiled nervously. "Dr Valentine... sorry Ollie, called Rosehill clinic last night to update us on Natalia's condition. We discussed a few different treatment options for her anorexia which I wanted to discuss with the both of you before speaking to Natalia. One option we discussed was Day treatment. It's an alternative to hospitalisation which both Jane and I think would be better for Natalia as she seems quite settled living with you two. If you're still ok to have her stay with you?"
"Of course we are!" Zosia exclaimed "right Ollie?" Ollie nodded.
"Good"Ben smiled  "day treatment is an intensive group therapy programme at the moment there are 7 in the group all female with the ages ranging between 13 and forty something. It's 5 days a week providing two meals and one or two snacks per day. So you would have to supervise the other meals and snacks. Natalia would have to come out of sixth form but there are opportunities to get some school work done but probably not to be taking 4 A-levels. The initiative has NHS funding but once a week the group has a meal or snack out at a cafe or restaurant which they pay for. I think Natalia will fit in quite well with the group at the moment. I know this seems quite extreme but we can't continue with what we are doing at the moment." Tears started to fall down Zosia's face and Ollie put an arm around her. "Zosia. This isn't your fault" Ben consoled "I know that you must love Natalia very much, eating disorders are deceptive. Just try to remember that it isn't Natalia doing these things , it's anorexia making her do them. It's not your fault!"
"Sorry," Zosia wiped her eyes "its just a lot of information to take on bord right now. But yes. I think it's a good idea!"
"We need Natalia to agree" Ben said "are we able to go and talk to her now?"

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