Chapter 43- The Zoo

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The next Morning, Zosia and Ali woke up in Guys flat. Zosh had heard Ali crying in the night but when she went to her she didn't want to talk about it Zosia didn't know what to do or say. "Kochanie" she started. "I don't want to talk about it." Ali cut in. "Well we will have to tell the clinicians at Rosehill." Zosia continued.
"Why...I don't want to think about it!" Ali said forcefully. "You have to deal with it... accept it." Zosia continued. "My mamas boyfriend raped me when I was 16...tell me how the hell i'm meant to accept that??" Ali asked with tears in her eyes. "Does your mama know?" Zosia asked. "No!" Ali answered " and she can't find out because she will blame herself. And that never ends well..." Ali looked at Zosia who didn't answer. Zosia realised that Klaudia would have to find out at some point because there would be a police trial for GBH and rape but decided there was no reason to point that out now.
"My favourite girls," Ollie walked into the flat with a big smile on his face. He decided that Ali probably wouldn't want to talk about it so he decided to continue his shift then try and make everything as normal as possible. "I'm sure your mama will be okay, why don't we take you home. Rovers are playing on Sunday for some reason. Do you fancy the match? Or what would you like to do?" Ollie smiled at Ali.
"Do you think Colette and Ela are free?" Ali looked at Zosia. "I don't know. I'll text her"

An hour later Ollie was dropping Ali off at the entrance to Holby Zoo. "Text us if you need us, ok?" Ali smiled back at him. "Love you!" Zosia smiled. "Ali over here" Colette shouted and Ali ran over and gave her a hug, then bent down and kissed Ela's cheek who was in a push chair "czesć Ela."
"Natalia." Ela's little girl voice made Ali smile straight away. "Shall we go se the animals? What do you want to see? I like the penguins best. Pingwiny" Ali gave Ela the polish translation too. "Zebry" Ela smiled. "Zebras!" Ali smiled. "Can you believe she's almost four and has never been to a zoo, or a farm, never seen an animal except a cat other than in a book." Colette sighed.
"But you get to be with her to experience her firsts too, I think that's pretty awesome." Ali smiled. Ela was exactly what Ali needed to take her mind off the rape. She loved showing the animals to Ela. Although Ela was scared at first - even of the Zebras she loved the penguins too and loved the area where they had rabbits and guinea pigs to stroke and hold. Colette was keeping an extra eye on Ali as Zosia had told her what had happened. But Ali just looked like a regular teen looking after a family friend.  Colette snapped some pictures on her phone and sent them to Zosia.
Look how happy she looks. We are loving the Zoo. Natalia is welcome anytime she is giving me a great break by looking after Ela. How are you and Ollie getting on?
C xxx

Zosia and Ollie were looking at flats. They had decided that they would look for somewhere for Kaludia to live when she was back on her feet. They hadn't mentioned it to Ali or Kaludia because they didn't want to get their hopes up. They had found a few places so Zosia text back.

She does look so happy. Sorry to be a pain but make sure she eats something at lunch time. She was so upset but the only thing that she wanted to do was see you and Ela.
Z xxx

"Ali, Elà, lunchtime." Colette called. Ali picked up Ela and they came over. "I'm not hungry." Ali mentioned. "No Ali," Colette smiled "You know you have to eat Ali. Come on, there's a cafe over here." They went in to the cafe and ordered some pasta for Elà, Colette had a burger and Ali ordered some Chicken, chips and veggies. Colette ate her burger trying not to look at Ali but kept glancing at her, she was only pushing her food around her plate. "Not like?" Ela asked looking at Ali.
"No i like it." Ali smiled down at little Ela in her high chair.
"Why no eat?" Ela asked in her disjointed English.
"Urm well......" Ali's eyes filled with tears and she started to cry.
"No cry.." Ela said worriedly.
"Nat.." Colette started
"I need the loo." Ali said and left the table, tears still running down her face. She sighed. She needed to have a chat with Ali but couldn't leave Ela. Ela had nearly finished her dinner so Colette scooped her out of the high chair and into her pram. "Sweet?" Ela asked
"We can have some ice-cream later." Colette answered. She pushed the buggy to to the toilets. "Natalia, love, we need to talk." No answer. "Love, come out please." One of the cubicle doors opened. And Ali came out her face tearstained still breathing erratically, she started to struggle to breathe. "Natalia breathe," Collette said calmly. "BREATHE" she said more sternly causing both Ali and Ela to look up at her. She grabbed Ali's shoulders. "Breathe in" she breathed in and Ali copied her "and Out" Ali copied and her breathing started to regulate "in and out, in and out, good girl." Colette put her arm round the thin girl and pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head. Then she started to push Elas buggy again. "This one will be asleep in 5 minutes then we can talk." Colette smiled at Ali.
Turns out Colette was totally right about her daughter the almost 4 year old was asleep in 5 minutes. Colette found a bench and sat down Ali sat down next to her. "Natalia, love. I know about the anorexia and I know about your mama. Zosh also told me about Ricky and the." She didn't want to say the word rape. "The situation. So much has happened to you and you're only 16. But Natalia I want to remind you that you have so many people in this world who love you and want to help you. I know I can seem... rude and loud. I think it's a northern thing" she smiled wryly. " but the people I love I protect dearly Ela, Zosia and You, believe me. If Ricky wasn't in police custody I'd be round there like a flash. Armed with a baseball bat." This made Ali laugh in spite of herself. "You know I'm always here for you, don't you Natalia. I have Ela but I truly care about you. You're like a niece to me, both you and Zosia, you're like family." Colette put her arm round Ali again.
"It doesn't make sense." Ali mused.
"What doesn't?" Colette asked.
"The food thing...the anorexia. If I'm eating's easier. Well it's not because I wouldn't eat but when I'm around people. Even just Zosh and Ollie or at Day treatment. I feel like everyone is judging me, it's way worse in public like today like she can't be anorexic look how much she's eating she's a fraud or look how little she's eating she's such an attention seeker. I just can't win. I get why you all have to watch me eat. I wouldn't otherwise but even Ela noticed and she's only a baby really." Ali looked at Colette who hugged her.
"Oh Natalia. I'm glad you told me...and by the way, For a baby Ela is very nosey or attentive as the professionals call it. You have my number don't you, any time day or night.  About anything ok love?"  Ali nodded and embraced Colette. "Oh and You should know you're always welcome at you know Ela gives great hugs." Ali laughed. Ela started to wake up. "Oh hello little mouse, shall we go and see the elephants?"

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