Chapter 30

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Ollie went into the curtained area around Ali's bed. Ali was asleep and Zosia was sat on the bed looking exhausted and Colette was sat in the chair. "Hey," Ollie said softly and Zosia and Colette looked up at him. "Zosh. Go and get some rest. Jac says you can use the on call room. "What about Ali?" Zosia asked
"One of us will be with her, me, jac, Matteo and Mo. And I'll get you when her bloods are through"
"I can stay with her too." Colette answered. "Ela can stay with her auntie as long as she needs to."
"No I want to stay with her, she needs me!" Zosia answered.
"Please Zosia, you're exhausted. " Ollie pleaded
"Valentine" Jac's voice came from outside the curtains. So Ollie stepped outside.
"Her bloods are back, she's anemic, hypokalemic and hypoglycaemic. Which is probably why she collapsed. We're planning to give her IV potassium and glucose and some oral iron tablets" Jac explained "have You got Zosia to have a rest?"
"No not yet. I'm working on it." Ollie replied.
Jac stepped into Ali curtained bed.  "Natalia!" Zosia stood up and Ali opened her eyes. "Sorry to wake you"Jac smiled down at Ali "we've got your blood test results back. You have anaemia, that means that you don't have enough red blood cells because you've not got enough iron in your body. So we've got you some tablets. You also have low sugar and potassium. So we're going to give you some as an IV infusion, like a drip. I'll get one of the nurses to do it. We also need to keep monitoring your heart beat because it's quite slow. We called a psychiatrist but as it's getting late we decided that can wait until the morning. Ok?" Jac asked. "Ok" Ali replied sleepily. Jac stepped out and motioned for Ollie, Colette and Zosia to follow. "Colette, can you insert the IV, she knows you and I don't want to freak her out with people she doesn't know. "Jac asked and Colette nodded. "And Zosia go to the on call room and sleep, you look exhausted and need to rest!" Jac put her hand comfortingly on Zosia's arm. "But Natalia needs me!" Zosia protested. "Look Zosia. Natalia needs a cousin who is fully functioning to look after her and support her which is why you need some sleep! Also I called your psych. Just so she knows what's going on. Get some rest Zosh" Jac said more firmly "we will keep an eye on Natalia and let you know if anything changes."
"I... well.... ok" Zosia looked at Jac then Ollie.
"She'll be ok!" Ollie assured Zosia.
Zosia was lay in the bed in the on call room her thoughts were flying round her head faster and faster. Bad thoughts. Scary thoughts. She tried all the techniques she had been taught but she couldn't stop the thoughts. So she did something she hadn't done in years. She closed her eyes and prayed. The only prayer she could remember was the Lord's Prayer so she whispered "Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie
święć się imię Twoje;
przyjdź królestwo Twoje;
bądź wola Twoja jako w niebie tak i na ziemi;
chleba naszego powszedniego daj nam dzisiaj;
i odpuść nam nasze winy, jako i my odpuszczamy naszym winowajcom;
i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie;
ale nas zbaw od złego." Then she whispers her own prayer "proszę Boga, pomóż mi pomóc Natalia" please God help me to help Natalia. Not long after she fell into a deep sleep.

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