Chapter Three: Suffer In Silence

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Song: Suicide Sunday by The Friday Night Boys

Picture: What I kind of picture how Amelia looks like :3


"Have a good first day at school." My dad smiled as he handed me a single muffin. I suppressed a gag as I grabbed the muffin from his hand and started towards the door. 

"Bye dad." I called out before stepping out into the early morning skies. I quickly tossed the muffin into the bushes before walking towards the front gate of our house. Since it's January, in Australia, it would be summer time but over here in Sheffield, it was pretty cold in the mornings. Not that I minded though, I've always preferred cold temperatures over hot one. Even though I used to live in fucking Australia.

I began walking down the quiet street, my eyes suddenly spotted a tall figure walking on the other sidewalk. He was dressed in all black, hood covering his head as he clung onto his black backpack. I held back the urge to go up to him and ask him if he's going to Stocksbridge High School as well. 

I continued my short walk to the high school. The strange boy still on the other side of the sidewalk. I couldn't quit see his face or anything else for that matter. Most of his body was covered in black clothing. He seemed to be one of those 'suffer in silence' type of people. 

Once I reached the school, I walked towards the main office, ignoring everyone's questioning glares along the way. They were acting as if they've never gotten a new kid before. 

I thanked the office lady as she handed me my schedule. I wanted to ask her for a quick tour of the school but held back once I saw her look at me with impatience in her eyes. She probably has better things to do than show the new kid around. 

Walking out of the office, I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had Algebra, English, a free period, history, lunch, another math class, science and finally gym; all in that order. I looked at the clock on the wall and ground quietly. My first day here at Stocksbridge and I'm already ten minutes late. It's not my fault, though. The office lady took forever trying to print out my schedule. 

The school wasn't that big so I quickly found my first period classroom. As soon as I stepped inside, the room filled with quiet whispers and the students all gave me curious looks. As I said before, it's as if they had never received a new student before. 

"Can I help you?" The teacher asked. He was a rather short lad who looked to be in his late twenties/early thirties. His expression was kind yet guarded. 

"Um, I'm Amelia Taylor, the new student." I announced, keeping my eyes focused with his. I handed him my schedule which he quickly skimmed before handing it back to me. 

"Welcome to Algebra, Amelia. My name is Mr. Denny." He introduced himself before quickly skimming the room. He pointed to a table in the middle of the room. "Sit there, next to Diana." He instructed. 

I nodded before walking towards the table. I sat in the only empty seat next to ~whom I'm assuming~ is Diana. She had natural red hair, freckles and thick eyeliner that made her dark eyes pop. 

"Hey, you're Amelia, right?" She asked, sending me a friendly smile. I'm not going to lie, I was taken back by the kindness in her voice. She seemed to be one of those snobby bitches you see in American movies. Well, I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, right? 

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I said, eagerly returning the friendly smile. 

Diana nodded before she introduced me to the three other girls at my table. There was Jessica, a beautiful, short Japanese girl with curly black hair and hazel eyes. Savannah, a short brunette with chocolate skin and emerald eyes and finally, Lisa; a tall, blonde with blue eyes and a cheery attitude. I smiled at the fact that I knew I would probably get along with these girls. 

"So, you're from Australia?" Diana asked, her eyes filled with excitement. 

"Yup." I nodded, "Sydney, to be exact." I quickly added. 

They all nodded in understanding but before any of them were able to question me any further; Mr. Denny began the lesson, silencing the five of us. 


"What class do you have next, Amelia?" Jessica asked as we all packed our things and quickly walked out of the classroom. 

"English." I answered, groaning internally. English has always been a difficult coarse for me in Australia, maybe the classes here wont be so difficult? 

"Really? Me too!" Savannah squealed in excitement. I smiled widely at her. At least I wont be completely alone in that classroom, right? Not that's it's difficult for me to make friends. I'm not saying that I was super popular in Australia but I was known as the girl who was easy to get along with. I was friendly to everyone I met and I've always tried to keep from people feeling lonely. I hate seeing people upset and I always try my best to cheer them up. No matter who they are or what they've done to me in the past. 

By the time we reached class 218, everyone was already inside but thankfully, we had arrived just before the bell rang. Saving both of us from detention after school. At least, that's what Lisa told me would happen if we were late to any of out classes. 

I quickly scanned the slightly larger classroom and my eyes fell on the boy I had seen earlier. He was sitting at the front of the classroom, by himself, while scribbling things into a notebook. 

After showing the teacher my schedule and quickly introducing myself to him, he told me I was able to sit wherever I pleased. Which I was thankful for. I sat down next to Savannah who was sitting with another group of people. She quickly introduced me to two boys with the interesting haircuts, Mike and Alex were their names. 

They were ranting on about how the some football team was better than another. I wasn't really paying attention though. My thoughts were stuck on the mysterious boy who had yet to lift his head up from his notebook. When Mr. Jenner, our teacher, called out the attendance while he sat at his desk in the front of the classroom.  

"Oliver Sykes." Mr. Jenner called out. The mysterious boy raised his hand and I caught a glimpse of his face. He was absolutely beautiful. It felt weird calling a guy that but it was the complete truth. 'Oliver Sykes' was beautiful. 

He had messy brown hair that ended just above his eyes. I couldn't see what color his eyes were because I was too far away but from where I was, I was guessing they were a hazel color. His name... Oliver Sykes. I knew that name from my childhood and absolutely hated the person who it belonged to.

Oliver Sykes.....Wait, is that Oli? The same Oli who would always bully me when I was younger? The same twat who told me everyday that I was fat and worthless? Is that him? No, it can't be.  

Oli did move away from Australia when I was nine and he was ten. He told me they were moving back to the UK but he never told me where. The possibility of him being the same idiot from my childhood in unlikely. It's probably just a coincidence that they have the same names. Yeah, that's it.

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