Chapter Thirty Two: No Pity For The Weak & Stupid

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Song: Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

I rewrote this chapter and changed A LOT of things. Hopefully, it's not shit anymore. ^-^


I sat on the couch in the back lounge, silently watching as people formed a line outside of the building. Tonight is our fourth show of this tour. We're playing at a venue in Sheffield and while I'm not to keen on the idea of being back here, playing a show is well worth it. 

I went to my dad's house earlier today. Part of me really wanted to see him but a bigger part of me was hoping to find Oliver waiting at my house. Of course, I found no Oliver and a busy father so the visit was quite pointless. 

Thankfully, none of the girls have asked me about Oliver anymore. They tend to keep their opinions about him to themselves. Although, at night, when they think I'm sleeping, I can hear them ranting on about how much of a twat Oliver is. 

A small know on the door pulled me away from my recruiting thoughts. I looked over in the direction of the doorway and to me surprise and happiness, I saw Alex. 

Without uttering a word, I stood up from the couch and walked towards Alex. I pulled him into a tight hug and took the opportunity to inhale his sweet scent of cologne. His scent wasn't as comforting as Oliver's was, but it was still nice. 

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. Pulling away from our tight embrace, I grabbed Alex's hand and lead him towards the couch.  

"I wanted to come see you guys preform. Also, I wanted to see how you were feeling, Amelia..." he paused, "How are you feeling?"  

"Trust me, Alex. I'm fine, I just need to not think about Oliver for a while, and that's why this tour is perfect. Playing shows almost every night keeps my mind occupied so I don't have to think about him. It's just when we have days off and aren't playing when I worry about myself. I just want to forget about him, you know? It's been two weeks since he left me and I don't understand why the fuck I can't forget about him, it fucking sucks." I muttered, running my thin fingers through my blonde hair.  

Alex nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I get it. You just need to distract yourself from thinking about Oliver." He said, a sad smile forming on his thin lips.  

"Yeah," I nodded, "Anyways, is there anything new going on with you?" I asked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere in the room.  

"Um, yeah. In a couple of weeks, I'm going back to Baltimore." He said, his words causing my eyes to widen in shock.  

"You're moving to Baltimore?" I asked in disbelief. I know I have a lot of caring friends, but Alex seems like the only person I can talk to. Since Oliver left, he's basically become my rock. I can't loose him, too. I don't want to loose him.  

"No," Alex quickly shook his head, "I'm just going to go down there to visit some old friends." He explained, smiling apologetically.  

"Oh," I sighed in relief. Once this tour is over, I'm going to have to find something else to distract me while at home. Just being in that house earlier made so many memories flood back into my mind. I think it'd be best to move out of that house, but truth be told, I want to move away from Sheffeild. I know, my band and all my friends are in Sheffield but, dammit living in that city is so fucking over-whelming. Dammit, it's been two motherfucking weeks since Oliver left and I still can't get over him, what the fuck is wrong with me?  

"Alex," I whispered, half-hoping that he hadn't heard me, but of course he did.  

"What is it, Amelia?" Alex asked, his voice laced with curiosity.  

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