Chapter Seventeen: Don't Get Your Hopes Up

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OKay guys so I have no fucking idea what the fuck is wrong with Wattpad but it deleted like three of my chapters and put them as like seperate stories. 0.0 so basically ignore any updates for today because they'll most likely be just me reuploading these fucking chapters

Song: Second & Sebring by Of Mice And Men


Standing in the middle of the airport, I looked around the crowded area until my eyes landed on a familiar blonde. Forgetting about Oliver, I ran towards Jenna and engulfed her in a tight embrace, she happily returned the hug and smiled widely. It was at that moment when I realized how much I actually missed Jenna. My eyes brimmed with tears and a wide smile spread across my lips.  

"Don't cry." Jenna demanded, "If I see you cry then it's going to make me cry." She added, her statement causing a quiet chuckle to escape my lips.  

Glancing over Jenna's shoulder, I looked over at Oliver who was awkwardly standing a few feet away from us. His attention was focused on the people hurrying past us but it was obvious that he was feeling uncomfortable.  

Jenna followed my gaze and froze once she saw Oliver. "Is that Oliver fucking Sykes?" She asked through gritted teeth. I knew Jenna hated Oliver for how he teased me when we were youngre, I probably should have mentioned that he was going to be staying with us.  

Oliver chuckled lightly, "Yes, it's me, Jenna." He replied. Before I knew it, Jenna had freed herself from my grip and stomped towards Oliver, she raised her hand and let her palm connect with Oliver's cheek. My eyes widened and I quickly hurried towards Oliver, asking him if he was alright. Chuckling, Oliver nodded in response. "Guess I deserved that." He mumbled. 

Jenna laughed bitterly, "The Hell you fucking did! I never thought I'd see you again, Sykes." She muttered, clearly not happy by Oli's prescence. 

Oli laughed, "Same goes for you, McDougall." He retorted, seeming amused by Jenna's anger and annoyance towards him. 

Rolling her eyes, Jenna sighed. "Whatever." She muttered before turning back to face me. "Where's Uncle Micheal?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.  

"He's at a business meeting. He told me to tell you sorry for not being able to show up but he'll be home at around nine or something." I explained. "By the way, Jenna, Oli is going to be staying with us. He's um, staying at my house due to some private issues but um, the problem is..... dad doesn't know about our little 'guest'." I explained, putting air quotes around the word 'guest'.  

Jenna sighed, "So, you're going to be with us all week?" She asked, her voice dripping with annoyance.  

Laughing, Oli nodded in response. "All week, McDougall." He smirked.  

Jenna flipped Oli off before turning her attention back to me. "So, should we go to your house so I can drop my stuff off there and then go look around Sheffield?" Jenna suggested, smiling.  

I simply nodded in response and the three of us began walking towards the exit of the airport.  


"Where are we going?" Jenna asked, her green eyes lit with excitement as we left the house. She wasn't too thrilled when she found out Oliver would be joining us but eventually, gave in.  

"We're going to go the park and meet up with some of Oliver's friends. After that, I want to show you something cool." I replied, grinning widely at the thought of how Jenna would react once she saw the music room and studio. I bet her reaction will be just how Oli and mine were; shocked, surprised and excited. 

The rest of the walk to the park was spent with Jenna and Oli constantly arguing with each other. They seemed almost like brother and sister having a small quarrel. It was definetily a funny sight to see and they even attracted the attention of people who were passing by us. 

Eventually, we arrived at the park and were immediately greeted by a pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes. Behind her, stood a short girl, she had dark blue hair with silver tips and piercing brown eyes. Her skin was pale but a nice contrast against her unique hair.  

"Amelia, McDougall... this is Abby-" Oli motioned over to the girl with blue eyes, "-And her step sister, Sapphire." He finished, smiling widely. 

Smiling, I waved confidently at the two girls. "Hello, I'm Amelia Taylor and this is my cousin, Jenna McDougall." I greeted, a friendly smile spread across my lips. "So, Oli tells me you know how to play the guitar." I said, trying to hold back my excitement. I had told myself before to not get my hopes up because I'm not sure if these girls are even going to agree with or like the idea of forming a band with me. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they said 'no'. I mean, to them, I'm some girl who they had just met not five minutes ago. 

Abby nodded, smiling proudly. "Yeah, Sapphire also knows how to play the drums. We just got here like two days ago but we already found a girl who knows how to play bass." She stated, her smile growing. 

"Really? That's awesome. Well, I also sing and play guitar so I was wondering if you guys would be interest in forming a band with me." I smiled, my statement obviously catching Jenna, Sapphire and Abby off guard. 

"We'd love to!" Abby exclaimed. I looked over at Sapphire to see what she thought about the idea. My smile widen once I saw her nod approvingly at me. I turned to Jenna and squealed in excitement. I can't believe they agreed in joining the band. I didn't even expect them to be so nice and agree instantly, I can honestly see myself getting along with these girls.  

We spent another hour or so at the park, the five of us chatting among each other, music being our main topic. I was able to figure what both girls seemed like by the time thirty minutes had passed by. 

I learned that Abby was the calm, rational sister. She seemed genuinely kind and the atmosphere around her was both calming and light. Sapphire also seemed kind but had a lot of sarcastic remarks, not anything that bothered me. Thanks to some of my old friends back in Australia, I am used to sarcastic remarks and comments.  

Nevertheless, these two girls seemed really nice and they were both excited about the idea of forming a band. They told me that they would ask the third girl, Nikki, if she was interested in playing bass guitar for the band. We're still a little on edge with trying to figure out what to name the band but we'll eventually figured all of that stuff out.  

Eventually, Oli, Jenna and I decided it would be best to head back home. Seeing as the sky was in the process of turning into darkness and I had to sneak Oliver into my home before my dad came back from work.

Our Secrets Will Kill Us // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now